Whats on Shudder December 2020 : The USA Edition
What’s on Shudder December 2020? We’ve got the scoop – courtesy of Shudder App.
What’s on Shudder December 2020? We’ve got the scoop – courtesy of Shudder App.
Popular storyboard artist Steve Skroce (The Matrix, I, Robot, V for Vendetta, Ninja Assassin, Cloud Atlas) has returned for All New All Action Packed miniseries Post Americana which Image Comics is saying is Part Kill Bill and part Mad Max: Fury Road. The Post Americana Mini-Series is set to launch with the First Issue hitting stores this December.
We’ve compiled a list of Nerdy Films Leaving Netflix November 2020. Pass the tissues!
In a recent press release, Australian Comic Book creator Darren Close announced he’s ‘remastering’ one of his early works, Killeroo: Scars. Giving it the full colour treatment.
BOOM Studios has given us a first look at Power Rangers #1 and the Power Rangers Secret Weapon looks to be one of their Greatest Threats!
Earlier this month, new company Failed Superheroes Club, an LA-based graphic novel, board game, and toy development company, announced the launch of The Kill Journal via an Indiegogo campaign.
New York Times Bestselling writer Cullen Bunn (Venom, Rogue Planet) and artist Jon Davis-Hunt (Clean Room) are taking a deep dive into the world of supernatural horror that Comic Book series Shadowman Comic is famous for.
Comedian, Actor and Podcaster Paul Scheer has announced earlier today that he’s teamed up with writer Nick Giovanetti and artist Manuel Bracchi – to release Aliens Vs Parker comic book, exclusively on the Macroverse App.
Volume is an upcoming four issue tale of teenage rebellion and superpowered punks. Look out for it in 2021.