REVIEW: Milford Green – aka Pride, Prejudice and Aliens


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Milford Green and Aristocratic Science

Milford Green is the first chapter in a 3 part  comic book saga about what happened one fateful night when Britain’s prettiest village is under siege by a squad of nefarious aliens. It’s written by Samuel George London and with art by Mikael Hankonen. 


Apart from winning “Prettiest Village in the British Empire, 1897” Milford Green is a normal village in the rolling hills of Southern England. That is until on one summer’s evening, Alfie Fairfield, a socially awkward inventor, sees some kind of flying vehicle shoot across the sky and crash land into a field. Being a curious fellow who is interested in any type of machinery, Alfie investigates to find out that we are not alone in this universe.

Milford Green is an Indie Comic and was self published by Samuel George London. 

Milford Green Comic Book Review cover
Milford Green Comic Book Cover

Milford Green Story

Milford Green is a charming British fable set in Victorian era England complete with action, love and science fiction. For those unfamiliar with the story, Milford Green is for all intents and purposes, a beautiful English town where not a lot happens. Other than housing a curious and awkward wannabe Inventor, his mentor Wells (an obvious Homage to HG Wells) and his daughter – there isn’t much to write home about.

Enter a race of aliens who invade the town of Milford Green in search of a powerful alien artifact. The resulting confrontation is a celebration of the intellectual horizons that English philosophy and aristocracy sought out during the Victorian era. In short, brains over braun, and the three manage to overcome and thwart every effort the alien invaders make. 

London’s understanding of English culture during the Victorian era is absolute. There’s a genuine feeling of Emmaor Pride and Prejudice in how the scripting works in panel after panel. This is a dialogue heavy comic book but, that said, it’s not unexpected given the source of the era that serves as the backdrop. The swing for the fences London makes with intelligence being the number 1 factor in how Alfie overcomes the invaders is appropriate. The paradigm of science overcoming brute strength is exactly what Milford Green begs for at the climactic ending. 

Milford Green Art

Emotions to describe Mikael Hankonen’s work on this comic book are pleasantly surprised and awe inspired. Hankonen has admitted to being a fan of the Victorian era of British History and this active fascination bleeds right onto the page. 

Hankonen’s line work and style is attentively soft, effeminate and intelligent. There’s a strong feeling that paint brushwork is at play more than colouring. Which is saying something when most of the characters on the page are male. By design, however, there’s a feeling of Disney-like wonder behind the eyes of every character. Appropriate enough given  the Victorian era was about discovery and expanding your understanding of the world. 

Milford Green Conclusion

This self contained first chapter in the Milford Green Story is a bold and intelligent view at English class and charm. This is a comic book where dialogue is king yet it doesn’t overpower the environment of the overall story. Somehow Samuel George London and Mikael Hankonen have managed to create the comic book version of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies. Except Aliens. Lots of Aliens. 

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