Zack Snyder Did Nothing Wrong

Zack Snyder vs Fandom Menace and Comicsgate,. Well, sort of…
As #Comicsgate Breaks Up, the Factions Go to War

As Comicsgate Breaks up various factions go to war. And by factions we mean overgrown racist man babies.
Prev On #Comicsgate Moron Hour: Lady Alchemy Campaign Sued by Former Art Team

The Comicsgate Meltdown continues. EVS cries to Kiwi Farms, Liam Gray goes to Oz Arts Channel and Q-Anon.
Two weeks in the #Comicsgate Nerd Rage Cult: The Stillborn Revolution

Concerns over what social media will be like with the incoming Biden Administration sent shockwaves through the Comicsgate community. If you could call it that.
Two Weeks in the #Comicsgate Nerd Rage Cult: Autopsy and Reboot

The clusterfuck that is Comicsgate continues on for another 2 weeks. Here we bring you up to speed.
The Other Week in #Comicsgate Hate Mob: Emergent sex scandals, Lies, and Insanity.

Ethan Van Sciver leads a hate mob of his fans on YouTube and Twitter under the hashtag #Comicsgate and uses that drama to sell mediocre comic books. The resulting combination of mixing greed with weaponized autism results in levels of hilarity to which few things can compare.
Last Week in Vulgar #Comicsgate Hate Mob: Simping for Virtue

The latest and poorest efforts by comic book hate mob, Comicsgate
EVS confirmed to speak at Republican National Convention

EVS confirmed to speak at Republican National Convention If you buy something from a link, we may earn a commission. This is used to help maintain the site and create more content for you! Hot off another round of “divisive” speeches by numerous Democratic politicans, President of the United States Donald Trump […]
Comicsgaters are the Karens of the Comic Book Industry

Comicsgaters are the Karens of the Comic Book Industry If you buy something from a link, we may earn a commission. This is used to help maintain the site and create more content for you! For a while now, Comicsgate has been looked at as the unofficial Comic Book Industry Bogeyman, by comic […]