The First 9 Issues of GHOSTED IN LA – The Story So Far

With the ghosts, you get a variety of ways readers can see themselves in.
GHOSTED IN LA #9 – Darkness Past the Door

Sina Grace manages to balance the two stories very well and I am exited to see how they will connect.
GHOSTED IN LA #8 – Possessions and Rituals

You feel bad when she wants to leave, and then worse when she can’t.
GHOSTED IN LA #7 – Ghostly Bonds

Ghosted in LA’s combination of the artwork and coloring by Siobhan Keenan and Cathy Lee continues to be great
Ghosted in LA #6 – A Well Written Filler

Daphne’s time with the ghosts have changed both her and the inhabitants of Rycroft.
GHOSTED IN LA #5 – The Trauma of Ghosts

The depression she experiences is handled really well and doesn’t just go away by the end.
GHOSTED IN LA #3 – High Score Aside, Its The Weakest Issue to Date

Ghosted in L.A. #3 starts with a flashback looking at a small part of one of the ghosts’ past life in sepia tone. This time looking at Bernard struggling with his budding career as a lawyer and his love life in 1980’s West Hollywood. Revealing that Bernard is gay, his boyfriend wonders if he doesn’t want to be seen with him. For fear of being judged by others over what he is as not a lot of people know that Bernard is gay.
Ghosted in L.A. #2 continues its Cute College of the Afterlife

Daphne settles into her new life as a resident of Rycroft Manor, and the unique challenge of living with ghosts. Pros: they don’t steal her food. Cons: It’s the first date she’s been on since Ronnie, and her roommates keep popping up all over the place.
Ghosted in LA #1 Proof Siobhan Keenan Masters What She Does

Ghosted in LA #1 Proof Siobhan Keenan Masters What She Does Ghosted in LA is the All New Supernatural College Drama on the Block Ghosted in L.A. #1 is the first issue of a new comic book series published by BOOM! Box, a division of Boom! Studios that specializes in content for kids and adults […]