69 Best Data Quotes from Star Trek TNG and the Star Trek Movies

Here’s our 69 Best and all time Favourite Data Quotes from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
15 Star Trek Quotes Used on Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls is a veritable onslaught of Pop Culture references. You can’t deny the homage that creator Amy Sherman-Palladino paid to Pop Culture as a whole. Especially Star Trek.
39 Best Worf Quotes from Star Trek The Next Generation & Deep Space 9

39 of the Best Worf Quotes from Star Trek TNG, DS9 and the TNG Movies!
‘Far Beyond the Stars’ taught Me the Evils of Racism

I take a look at DS9 episode Far Beyond the Stars and the effect it had on me in my teens!
Star Trek’s William Shatner and Jonathan Frakes at GalaxyCon Live

William Shatner to appear at GalaxyCon Sci-fi legend William Shatner’s distinctive voice and cadence have been the subject of many imitations, spoofs, and parodies—all contributing to his status as a pop icon and endearing him to his fans. On Saturday, May 23rd at 12pm EST/9am PST, GalaxyCon is proud to announce that the pop-culture icon and […]
Quentin Tarantino Rumored for Next Star Trek

Quentin Tarantino Rumored for Next Star Trek With Once Upon a Time in Hollywood about to be released, Quentin Tarantino has made nine films [including both Kill Bills as one]. Tarantino, despite having done a small number of films since 1992’s Reservoir Dogs, is renowned the world over for his work due to the stylish […]
Star Trek TNG and Doctor Who Collide In Assimilation Squared

Star Trek TNG and Doctor Who Collide In Assimilation Squared Star Trek/Doctor Who Crossover Featuring The Two Big Bads The 1960s introduced us to two of the biggest science fiction shows of all time that eventually developed into huge franchises that are still going on to this day in various forms of media. Doctor Who, […]
Star Trek: TNG #2 is the Greatest Adventure Deanna Troi has ever Had

Star Trek : The Next Generation #2 IDW Publishing, the label made famous for TV and movie adapted comic book properties, has begun to carve its own bat’leth into the hide of Star Trek lore. Launching with its take on Star Trek : The Next Generation, IDW has begun to tell the untold stories of […]