Battlecats: Tales Of Valderia Comic Series

Battlecats: Tales of Valderia is to Battlecats what The Silmarillion is to Lord of the Rings. A companion mini-series designed to flesh out an already established lush and fertile Fantasy Comic Book Universe.
Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #3 Review

Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #3 is part encyclopaedic lore and part Comic Book, focusing on the Anthropomorphic cat universe from Mad Cave Studios.
Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 Review

Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 is part encyclopaedic lore and part Comic Book, focusing on the Anthropomorphic cat universe from Mad Cave Studios.
WOLVENHEART #1 – Monster-Ridding Your Timelines

Sterling Cross: Legendary Slayer I did a piece on Albert Einstein: Time Mason, where a time-traveling organization employs an historic figure. Wolvenheart is a time-traveling organization founded by historic figures. Though, Van Helsing is a fictional character compared to Einstein. However, Nikola Tesla is another Wolvenheart employee. [wp-review] The comic opened with a battle between […]
Mad Cave Studios Announce MORE TITLES including BATTLECATS Finale

Embrace the Madness! More Mad Cave Titles are headed your Way! Mad Cave Studios have confirmed today their most ambitious titles are coming back later this year. All three hit comics from Mad Cave Studios will deliver glorious art and epic storytelling as it was confirmed by Mad Cave’s own Mark London: “Folks have been […]
Midnight Task Force #1 – Review

Midnight Task Force #1 is Cyperpunk Grit Midnight Task Force #1 forces out a cyberpunk meets detective noir failing relationship. You know it’s none of your business yet you just can’t look away. It’s going to boil over and you’re sure as Hell gonna be there when it happens. Hailing from Independent comic book publishing […]