Strange Skies Over East Berlin Comic Series
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About Strange Skies Over East Berlin
Strange Skies Over East Berlin is a mini series that mixes Cold War era Spy Thriller with Sci-Fi elements that may or may not include Aliens. It is written by Jeff Loveness, illustrated by Lisandro Estherren and colored by Patricio Delpeche.
Strange Skies Over East Berlin was released with the tagline: Mankind has made it to Space and now Space has Followed Them Back! Starring a disillusioned spy by the name of Herring stuck in the middle of all too familiar period of Cold War and mistrust. The story gets really interesting when its discovered that the Soviets have a secret weapon: An Alien Monster!!
Issues 1-4 of Strange Skies Over East Berlin are available for purchase right now in comic book form from our Preferred Comic Book Retailer.
Strange Skies Over East Berlin Reviews
Strange Skies Over East Berlin #1

The first issue, written by Jeff Loveness, starts out with an American spy named Herring helping several people escape out of East Berlin in 1973. Just as they are about to climb over the wall, they’re spotted by Soviet guards and they try to get away. One of the escapees gets shot and others get captured by the guards.
Click here for our review of Strange Skies Over East Berlin #1
Strange Skies Over East Berlin #2

Picking up right where the first issue ended, Strange Skies Over East Berlin #2 sees Herring meeting Russian Inspektor Keiner and imagining being revealed as a spy leading to his imprisonment by the Soviets. Herring wonders if the man spotted him the other night or was too distracted by what flew over the Wall to even pay attention.
Click here for our review of Strange Skies Over East Berlin #2
Strange Skies Over East Berlin #3

Strange Skies Over East Berlin #3 starts out with Herring, tied to a chair in the corner, being interrogated by Keiner. The Soviet officer knows who he is as he already spoke to the other people that Herring tried to help back at the wall. Herring tries all he can to deny this accusation as Keiner wants to know what his purpose is in there.
Click here for our review of Strange Skies Over East Berlin #3
Strange Skies Over East Berlin #4

With the alien wanting to escape the base, Herring must stop it before it can harm anyone outside. When the spy comes upon a dying Anzhela, she reveals that she had suspected Herring from the beginning. While disgusted by his offering to help her, Anzhela informs Herring where he can find more weapons and to blow up the tunnels so as to kill the alien. With Anzhela dead, Herring goes back to the armory and a long the way his fear and doubts continues to grow.
Click here for our review of Strange Skies Over East Berlin #4
Where to find Strange Skies Over East Berlin
Things From Another World
Engage with the Creators
Jeff Loveness – Twitter
Lisandro Estherren – Twitter
Patricio Delpeche – Instagram
Purchase Strange Skies Over East Berlin

Grab a copy of Strange Skies Over East Berlin #1-4 through our Preferred Comic Book Store.