Batwoman S0207 Recap: Well, That Happened

This Batwoman episode was an abrupt bump in an otherwise solid six-episode run. It was directed by showrunner Carolyn Dries so…that explains a lot. The episode is structured around an extended flashback sequence that mostly tells us what we already know — but everything OTHER than the flashback is great! So let’s jump in!
3 Page Art Preview: BATWOMAN Star Camrus Johnson Pens Story for DC’s ‘BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS’

DC Comics have revealed some teaser’s about the Batman: Urban Legends #4.
Here’s the details.
Batwoman Recap: S0205 + 06: Kissing Crows

Long story short: Batwoman is starting to raise some interesting questions about who gets to administer justice…but the writer’s room is likely too focused on shipping all of the characters to dig into that in a significant way. Let’s review!
Batwoman Recap: S2E02-04 – Lesbian Drama

This Batwoman article will be a quick recap of what’s happened, plus trying to figure out why Batwoman is exponentially better than last year.
REVIEW: Batwoman 02×01 – Kate *WHO?!*

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase through our links. No longer hatewatching Batwoman A couple of weeks ago, I outlined what I was most excited and concerned about in Season 2 of […]
5 Thoughts on the Latest Batwoman CW Trailer

Here’s 5 reasons to love/loathe the latest Batwoman CW Trailer.
Batwoman Season 1: An Uneven But Wild Ride

The first season of CW’s Batwoman was about as tumultuous as the last half of 2019 and this half of 2020. Ruby Rose, the show’s lead is gone. The showrunners have announced they’re going to replace Kate Kane altogether, rather than recast the roll. Meanwhile, we didn’t get the planned season finale due to COVID-19, […]
REVIEW: Batwoman Season 01×13: “Drink Me” Serves Up The Goods

This is the episode I’ve been dreading. When Batwoman writer Marc Andreyko introduced Nocturna in the comics, it became a pivotal arc for the character — and one that anyone who gave half a shit about the character wished never happened. It still astonishes me that the storyline was greenlit. As a refresher, DC put […]
REVIEW: Batwoman Roundup!

Let’s catch up on all of the Batwoman since December — and move boldly forward!