Brothers Matsuya release Midnight Massacre OGN through Action Lab Studios

This summer, from Action Lab Studios, brothers and co-writers John Matsuya and Ben Matsuya (Jupiter Jet) take thrill-riders on the twist and turns of their all-new hilarious theme park horror OGN, Midnight Massacre!
REVIEW – THE WOLF AND THE CROW #1 – Gorgeous Looking Caveman Politics

The Wolf and The Crow Begins Premiere issues. They’re hard to pull off. In the space of twenty-something pages, the staff behind it has to create a universe right before your very eyes and make you feel invested in it. In one measly issue, a comic book needs to present an IP you have never […]
MR BEAVER VOL. 1 – The Best Thing I’ve Read This Year

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.This is used to help maintain and improve this site. Everything’s impossible until Mr Beaver does it I’m afraid no one has told you this yet, but […]
ADVENTURE FINDERS #3- Reminiscent of a Certain Arcade Game

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. This is used to help maintain and improve this site. Overwhelming Sword and Sorcery Adventure Finders didn’t keep my interest as well as I hoped it […]
THE ARGUS #1 – Me, Myself, and My Crazy Killer Self

The Argus is a Crazed Time Travel Story Greetings fellow Soda drinkers! We here at Soda & Telepaths are coming at you with another review, this time a sci-fi thrillers from indie company Action Lab Comics from their Danger Zone label. I myself have reviewed quite a few times from there so when I was […]
Want a Supernatural stuck in High School Comic Book? Check out Lucifer’s Knight #2.

Lucifer’s Knight is Supernatural Flipped on its Head From the bowels of Action Lab Entertainment, Lucifer’s Knight is the typical series you’d expect involving angels, demons, and the supernatural. Throwing high school in the mix adds an interesting dynamic. Except in this case, Lucifer’s Knight flips the normal angels and demons trope on its head […]
Action Lab Announces Nigerian ‘Action/Biopunk’ Comic Book

Action Lab Announces Nigerian Action/Biopunk/Thriller While Covid-19 is causing numerous casualties with Comic Studios delaying releasing, Action Lab Entertainment is defying the new normal. Out this week from Action Lab: Danger Zone on comiXology are the first two issues of NEW MEN, written and illustrated by Nigerian comic book creators Murewa Ayodele and Dotun Akande. […]
Volume 1 of Dystopian Thriller KILLSWITCH hits Comixology this Week!

Killswitch Hits Comixology Releasing this week on comiXology is the creator-owned Action Lab: Danger Zone collection of KILLSWITCH VOLUME 1. In a future where clairvoyant Augurs are used for their powers but feared, held captive, and persecuted, a disaffected military major is shocked into action by the grim realities of the Augurs’ treatment. Writer Susan […]
SUPERMOM – Strong Independent Superhero who don’t need No Man!

A Hilarious New Take on the Superhero Genre Supermom is a hilarious inverse look at the superhero genre. From the angle of a single mom-to-be struggling with the dynamic of losing her powers to pregnancy, struggling to save the world and finally getting the last laugh over her (sort of) ex. [wp-review] Supermom, from the […]