Producing the End Anthology Submissions
They say an Editors job is never done and the process of going through this Anthology’s submissions was no different. All in all, we received 158 submissions (over 100 of which were scripts) and I’ve spent the last two weeks sifting through those to come up with the final below list of successful entrants.
Due to varying skill/talent levels and a veritable sea of submissions, the successful entrants came down to two questions I asked myself:
- Does their entry meet the Brief?
- Can I see myself working with them, developing and editing the final product?
The result is the below list of Talent. Please note, I will not be providing individual feedback on those unsuccessful submissions.

Producing the End Artists
Richard Kemp
Joel Saavedra
Rob Gaughran
Gregory Woronchak
Edward Fabian Alvarado Arias
Alina Wahab
Samuel Douglas Lasater
Noah Bailey
Domenico Pagano
Jeremiah Schiek
Christopher Maiurro
Ricardo Sánchez Arreola
Elodie Chen
Producing the End Writers
Louis Southard
Brent Fisher
Rob Stanley
Rob Pilkington
D.J. Devereux
Christin Liberty
Alex Dandino
James Duran
Matthew Blair
Andy Nordvall
Angel Young
Adam Burt
Abby Denton
Matthew Wilding
Jarne Van Vooren
Josh Davison
Scott Dunn
Gary Proudley
Chris Hutton
Anne Toole
Mario Candelaria
Aubrey Lynn Jeppson
At this time I would like to Thank everyone who Submitted an Application into this Anthology and your ongoing support.
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‘Producing the End…’ Anthology is looking for Submissions