REVIEW: Batwoman 02×01 – Kate *WHO?!*

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase through our links. No longer hatewatching Batwoman A couple of weeks ago, I outlined what I was most excited and concerned about in Season 2 of […]
5 Thoughts on the Latest Batwoman CW Trailer

Here’s 5 reasons to love/loathe the latest Batwoman CW Trailer.
REVIEW: Batwoman Season 01×13: “Drink Me” Serves Up The Goods

This is the episode I’ve been dreading. When Batwoman writer Marc Andreyko introduced Nocturna in the comics, it became a pivotal arc for the character — and one that anyone who gave half a shit about the character wished never happened. It still astonishes me that the storyline was greenlit. As a refresher, DC put […]
Arrow – The Beginning of an Epic Finale

The final season of Arrow began with one of the biggest surprises the Arrowverse has ever given us.
BLOG: Batwoman is Coming – What to Read to Prepare for the TV Show

The Batwoman TV series airs in the US THIS Sunday! Here’s a list of comics you should catch up on before you watch the show.
Supergirl Episode Tackles Transphobia

Supergirl S04E11 Review and Walkthrough“Blood Memory” It’s no surprise that the communist Russian story line takes hold of this Supergirl episode. With the exception that this week the Russian trained Supergirl clone needs medical assistance. A blood transfusion from Supergirl prime. Rest assured, you don’t find out in this episode. “Blood Memory” spends the majority […]