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‘Producing the End of the World’ Anthology Wants You!
From the editor and owner of comes a new entry into the decaying halls of Post-Apocalyptic stories.
From all the staff at , we are proud to announce that PRODUCING THE END OF THE WORLD, a post-apocalyptic anthology, is now open for submissions. We are looking for 10 original stories.
Producing the End of the World is an homage to everything that makes the Post-Apocalypse sub-genre of Horror and Science Fiction so tremendously fun, futile and delicious decadent. With the idea of each short-story contained to give a narrative on the human condition.

What’s with the name Producing the End of the World?
Producing the End of the World (or, Producing the End for short) is a direct reference to the Producers of Old who have created endless streams of fantastic post-apocalyptic content throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s right through to today. It’s the idea that every human being has a potential End of the World story they’d love to tell. Or, on other hand, they may have a phobia around Extinction level scenarios.
In any case, Producing the End of the World will be a collection of Mature Short Stories, curated by site owner Anthony Pollock that meet his vision for what the Producing the End Anthology should look and feel like.
What type of Story are we Looking For?
It’s no secret that the biggest inspiration for this Project come from great Anthologies like Heavy Metal, TV’s The Outer Limits and even Animatrix. However, what we’re trying to accomplish is something akin to Love, Death & Robots in Comic Book Form.
To add to this, we are looking for post-apocalyptic stories that think outside the square. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT send us Zombie Apocalypse stories. I cannot stress this enough. If you want to write about zombies then go speak to Kirkman. Besides that, the only rule we have is that in your story the world has to end in some fashion.
Your story could be about chain smoking robots from jersey who reminisce about the end of the world and how exciting those good old days were. Or, your story could be a Baby’s Day Out in which the Baby’s favourite chew toy is a Remote Nuclear Detonation Device.
Specifically, your Short Story should be 8-12 pages long.
Otherwise, it’s completely up to you!
How will you Pair Artists and Writers?
Artists and Writers will be paired up on the basis of whose style best suits the script. While writers are required to provide a script for eligibility they do not need to bring an artist to submit. At the same time, Artists will be required to provide a Portfolio but do not need to organise a writer to submit.
However, if you’re an Artist and a Writer then you will be required to submit a script in addition to a Portfolio.
At the same time, I want to stress this – WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING CREATIVE TEAMS.
What about Letterers and Cover Artists?
The Cover Art has already been designed.
We already have our preferred list of Letterers we will be working with.
How will this be Published?
Like all good Independent Anthologies, this Anthology will be crowdfunded on Kickstarter for the print version.
For the digital version, I have secured a deal with the Good Folks at Macroverse to release each story as a unique, immersive episode on their platform. It’s worth noting this DOES NOT sign your rights away as a creative. It’s just another way for us to distribute the content.
Will you be Paid?
The short answer is YES.
Writers will be paid at a rate of $25 USD per page*.
Artists will be paid on a negotiated rate basis*.
*We reserve the right to pay you once the Kickstarter is funded.
Deadline to get your application in is the 30th of January, 2021. Successful applicants will be announced on Social Media shortly after the 15th February, 2021.
We are aiming for a project completion date of June-July 2021 with an ideal release to the General Public by September 2021.
How Do I Apply?
Thanks to the advent of modern technology I’ve been able to provide you with this nifty little button. Just click it.
Email me . Questions about this Anthology will be answered on any Social Media Platform.
Thanks. And happy creating!