Killswitch Hits Comixology
Releasing this week on comiXology is the creator-owned Action Lab: Danger Zone collection of KILLSWITCH VOLUME 1. In a future where clairvoyant Augurs are used for their powers but feared, held captive, and persecuted, a disaffected military major is shocked into action by the grim realities of the Augurs’ treatment.
Writer Susan Bridges described the series as follows:
“KILLSWITCH is about a woman who has done everything the way she’s supposed to do it and has finally figured out that all of that is wrong. It’s about her trying to figure out how to make things right, and it’s also about her figuring out who she is, and who she wants to be.”
Fellow writer Jeffrey Bridges adds:
“It’s a cyberpunk sci-fi action story about the insidious ways society deceives us, the way we, as a society, take the contributions people offer to better ourselves and our own lives, without concern for the people we take them from. We ask some big questions that maybe nobody has the answers to, because life is messy and a lot of it is complicated.
But it’s about choosing kindness and hope, choosing to do the right thing, even when no one else will. But it’s also about a prison break on a comet orbiting the sun!”
So get KILLSWITCH VOLUME 1, which collects all four issues of this sci-fi action story, this week on comiXology! If readers are interested, they can also hear Jeffrey and Susan Bridges talk at length about their series on the Slice of SciFi podcast and the Comic Book Commentary podcast. Plus enjoy their interview on Fanbase Press, on which Jeffrey and Susan talk about their creative partnership and choosing the right story format.