Daughter of Titan so close to their Kickstarter Goal they can Taste It!
Life’s a fair bit BS, right? Well, especially for Alena Amar, the protagonist of Daughter of Titan, and daughter of the world’s last superhero. More accurately, the daughter of the last ever Titan!
Daughter of Titan follows the adventures of quite literally the Daughter of Titan. As she navigates the treacheries and pitfalls of fictional Tridecca City. Ranging from a shady government to augmented detectives to lovecraftian monsters.
Following on from its previous Kickstarter successes, Daughter of Titan #3 promises to continue the Alena Amar storyline. While creator Richard Mooney promises that if you enjoy the likes of female driven storylines, cosmic horror or dystopian fiction – then you’ll find something for you!

Summarise it for me
In issue #1 when cornered one night by a mugger, Alena discovers she has superhuman powers. Before she can act, two augthority officers appear and deal with the mugger in a brutal fashion that even raises sympathy from Alena herself.
She confides in her best friend and fellow robotics prodigy Suzanne Perkins and learns Suzanne is building a super-suit to replace the augmentation program. Its design was based on the urban legend of Titan. They decide to combine their talents and try and make the world a better place.
In issue #2 Titan’s return has not gone unnoticed which has brought General Dwight Rossiter and Detective Frank Brenner onto the scene.
General Dwight Rossiter runs the augmentation project. He doesn’t take kindly to anyone or anything trying to undermine his life’s work. He has the ear of some of the city’s most powerful people and isn’t afraid to use any means necessary to secure his legacy.

Frank Brenner was the most successful agent in the augmentation program. But augmentations take their toll on the mind and now Brenner suffers from a series of mental conditions. This has made him very unstable, yet Rossiter covers up for him to avoid any shadows being cast on his augmentation program. This essentially gives Brenner the freedom to do whatever he wants (often with messy results). In this issue, we follow Brenner into the grim depths of the illegal augmentation market.
But despite all this, a greater threat looms. An old rival of Titan has been watching on, waiting for the right moment to tear open a hole to a hellscape dimension and settle an age-old score. And as you will see in the first 5 pages below, that ain’t pretty.
In this issue, while these forces are beginning to uncover Titan’s identity, Alena battles with her feelings for Suzanne and must face her toughest hurdle yet; her own parents. Finally, some questions will be answered about her powers, her past and her possible future…
87% funded so far!
At the time of this article, the Daughter of Titan #3 kickstarter is sitting on a healthy 87% and with still another 3 days to go its a safe campaign to rest your hard earned dollars on.
But don’t take our word for it, let the first 5 pages of the issue do the talking for us.