Hellfighter Quin #3 Review
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About Hellfighter Quin #3
Hellfighter Quin #3 was written by Jay Sandlin, pencilled by Atagun Ilhun, coloured by Maria Santaolalla and lettered by Justin Birch. With editing by Chris Fernandez and Brian Hawkins.
The origins of the Doomseer are revealed. Hellfighter is presented with his most difficult challenge yet as he faces off against Maimframe, while Shard stands toe to toe in a battle against resident asshole Invictus. The winners move on to the final stage of the tournament. Will our heroes succeed or be swallowed whole by the more seasoned veterans?
Hellfighter Quin #3 has an average ComiXology Rating of 5 stars. If you’re not familiar with Hellfighter Quin then I’d recommend you start with our review of Issue 1.
Hellfighter Quin #3 Review
With the way Issue 2 ended there was only one way Issue 3 could’ve gone – a total smack down of falls count anywhere matches between Quin and Maimframe while Shard and Invictus go toe-to-toe. Still, writer Jay Sandlin threw some interesting bites into this issue as we begin to learn more about their pasts.
Hellfighter Quin doesn’t lose any of the fun prize fighting come Science Fiction superhero stuff that Issue 1 and 2 celebrated. If anything, the character Quin feels more acute and more self aware of his own abilities. Not simply reacting to each problem as they arise.
This issue is satisfying to flick through if only to see Shard shut Invictus up once and for all. While Quin’s victory over Maimframe establishes him as a real force to be reckoned with. Just like when the T-1000 got absolutely destroyed in Terminator 2, so did we cheer when Quin took out Maimframe with ease.
Artistically I don’t have many complaints despite from odd facial choices that gave me a puzzled look. Choices that are easily forgettable with the stunning palette Santaolalla executes in every panel.
Doomseers actions are finally explained in this issue and her motivations somewhat understood. Despite his love for Mohammed Ali being out of control, Sandlin has left much of this prize fighting world left to be explored. A wise decision when relying on the bouts could’ve meant reading Issue 4 would be a tiresome exercise.
Pick up Hellfighter Quin #3 through your Local Comic Store.
Hellfighter Quin #1 Review
Hellfighter Quin #2 Review
Purchase Hellfighter Quin #3

Purchase this comic from the good folks at Mad Cave Studios.