Bug Power: 15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters

bug based characters

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15 Bug Superheroes and their History

A lot of Superheroes and Villains can fly, whether through Jet powered wings or the ability to leap through the sky, but not many can claim to be a “fly” or to fly in the same way insect-based characters can. The inspiration for character design can come from many places, and today we look at some of the bug-based characters that exist.

The appearance of these characters is some of the most interesting in comic books; their costumes are inspired by the bugs they proclaim with distinct wing designs, helmets with antennae, and skills that these bugs possess that are amplified. We’re buzzing with excitement to bring you 15 of the best bug-based characters.

1. Ant-Man

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Ant-Man
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Ant-Man

The ever-popular Ant-Man has had several bearers, most notably Scott Lang and Dr Hank Pym. Scott Lang is a former criminal who inherited the title after literally stealing it after robbing Hank Pym’s house. By some heart-warming means, he becomes the resident Ant-Man dropping a life of crime and being mentored by Hank Pym; he made several appearances across the MCU, from Captain America to The Wasp. With the ability to communicate with ants, shrink to sub-atomic sizes and grow to enormous heights through his suit, Ant-Man is a quintessential part of our bug-based character list.

2. Wasp

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Wasp
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Wasp

Ant-Man, Wasp and Yellow Jacket are all creations of Dr Hank Pym and therefore have very similar abilities of size manipulation. Still, the wasp edges out the two characters in her shrunken state with increased physical prowess and the ability to telepathically control insects and blast bio-electric energy in bursts at her enemy.

3. Blue Beetle

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Ant-Man: Blue Beetle
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Ant-Man: Blue Beetle

There have been various blue beetles over the years. The current Blue Beetle Mythos incorporates all three prominent Blue Beetle Characters after they became encapsulated in the DC Comics universe. Dan Garret is the original, followed by Ted Kord, who was mentored by Garret and then Jamie Reyes, the latest person taking up the role.

Blue Bettle derives his powers from an alien scarab which attaches itself to the Spine of the Bearer, covering the host in a protective suit when facing danger, allowing them to access tools like a sword, shield and, as expected, wings for flight. The Bearer is also immune to magic and emits radiation somewhat like what Kryptonite produces.

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4. Yellow Jacket

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Yellow Jacket
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Yellow Jacket

The Yellow Jacket is a Supervillain name used by multiple people in the Marvel Universe. From the originator Hank Pym to the most recent Darren Cross, who became Yellow Jacket as the archnemesis of Scott Lang, who is the second Bearer of the Ant-Man mantle in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Yellow Jacket suit enables him to send Electrical stings as well as Fly in addition to his innate ability of size manipulation and agility gotten from an enhanced pacemaker transplant and Pym particle-infused heart.

5. Bumblebee

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Bumblebee
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Bumblebee

Bumblebee, also known as Karen Beecher-Duncan, debuted in 1976 in the Teen Titan series. Bumblebee has the power to shrink to the size of an insect and has a solar-powered suit with wings that enables flight; they can also release electrical stings. She was a prominent member of Teen Titans cartoons, Young Justice, and DC Super Hero Girls.

6. Mantis

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Mantis
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Mantis

Though her powers are not insect-themed, the most significant power Mantis possesses is her ability to gauge an individual’s emotional state and manipulate it; her empathetic prowess also allows her to communicate with plants.

With all this, she still retains a bug code name and alien appearance with antennae and green skin, even though only some of her appearances are this way, making her fit on the list. She’s an expert martial artist and has been known to defeat the likes of Thor and Captain America by using their weak spots.

7. Killer Moth

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Killer Moth
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Killer Moth

An unsuccessful small-time criminal, Drury Walker, adopted the persona of a millionaire philanthropist Cameron van Cleer to befriend Bruce Wayne and became Killer Moth. Under his Killer Moth persona, he went head to head with Batman and Robin using tools like a Moth signal and a Moth Mobile; with no inherent superhero ability, he uses technology to give him moth-like powers.

8. Firefly

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Firefly
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Firefly

Garfield Lynns, better known as Firefly, the pyromaniac, first showed up in the world of DC Comics in the role of a minor criminal who indulges in robbery now and then. He received a sinister makeover following Crisis on Infinite Earths and became the feared pyromaniac we know him as now; with a Fireproof suit, flamethrowers, smoke bombs and new technology Flight skills in his arsenal, he causes a lot of trouble around Gotham.

9. Bug

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Bug
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Bug

Originally Galactic Warrior, then later changed to Bug since there was no resemblance to the Micronauts toy with that name. The Bug is a resilient fighter who channels his powers through his helmet, granting him greater visibility through his red bug-like lenses.

He also has many Bug like features, as his name implies, like the ability to communicate with his antennae to other creatures that possess antennae and the ability to cling to walls. James Gunn was revealed as Bug in the early draft of the Guardians of the Galaxy film when he joined the team in the comics in 2010.

10. Ambush Bug

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Ambush Bug
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Ambush Bug

Ambush Bug, whose real name is actually Irwin Schwab, is a delusional character created as a parody of many famous superhero tropes of the time. His introduction to the DC world was in DC Comics Presents issue #54 as Brum-El in the doomed Planet of Schwab. This a parody of Superman’s origin story; in this, he sends his clothes off Planet, and the only thing that survives after being intercepted by a radioactive space spider is his Ambush Bug suit.

Ambush Bug was originally a villain capable of Teleporting anywhere within the available DC comics Multiverse with a suit that contains robotic bugs and provides him with a certain degree of protection. By some warped twist of fate, he becomes a hero of some sort; all supporting characters are also parodies of well-known DC superheroes.

11. Butterfly

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: The Butterfly
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: The Butterfly

An oldie but a goodie, Marian Michaels, also known as Butterfly, is a cabaret singer in Las Vegas. She fights racists in her Jet powered costume as Butterfly, which possesses bright lights that blind her enemies when needed. She clashes with a criminal group called The Claw, and as the name implies, the members wear feline-inspired costumes and fund fascism with their drug money. Besides her dedication to fighting fascism, this character is notable because she’s the first black superhero character to be published in comics.

12. Spider-Man

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Spider-Man
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Spider-Man

Probably the most notable insect-based character, regardless of whether you’re a comic fan or not, Spider-Man, aka Peter Parker, was bitten by a radioactive spider giving him extraordinary powers. His powers are directly related to what spiders can do, from shooting webs to stamina and the ability to stick to surfaces; there’s also enhanced strength, agility and innate “spidey senses”. Spider-Man is a favourite of a lot of people.

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13. The Tick

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: The Tick
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: The Tick

Although created as a fun character to make jest of Superheroes, The Tick is an intimidating and mighty superhero who can lift things multiple times their size and weight with no consequences. The Tick has impeccable features that make him, for the majority part, indestructible; he can fall from great heights without much consequence besides a mild concussion. His only weakness is his antennae which causes balance issues for the superhero when tampered with.

14. Black Widow

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Black Widow
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: Black Widow

Black Widow is a name possessed by Both Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova; Romanoff is the original and long-standing Black Widow. Possessing superhuman agility, strength, speed and endurance, she’s an expert martial artist, skilled gymnast and exceptionally equipped Spy and intelligence operative.

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15. The Fly

15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: The Fly
15 Bug-Based Comic Book Characters: The Fly

All he has to do is rub his magic ring and utter the magic words, “I wish I were the fly” Tommy Troy is The Fly, and he has extraordinary powers due to this ring that belongs to the mysterious fly people. The Fly has many capabilities that relate to actual flies, like his ability to stick to walls and agility. He’s also as strong as one million ants and can fly with the speed of several flies. His wings give him the power of flight and the ability to break glass when vibrating a certain way.

What do you think of these Bug themed Superheroes?

These are Fifteen of the most notable Bug-based characters in comic books across various universes.
Are there any we missed that you think should have made the list?

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