Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 Review
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About Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2
Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 is part encyclopaedic lore and part Comic Book, focusing on the Anthropomorphic cat universe from Mad Cave Studios. It is written by Mark London, pencilled by Daniel Jimeno, colouring by Tekino and lettering by Miguel Jimeno Zapata. With editing by Giovanna T Orozco and Chris Fernandez.
Follow the tale of how Goadar the Great became the second-ever “Hero of Legend” for standing up and defending Valderia during a time of immense turmoil; the exile of King Eramad II. This issue includes back matter that will flesh out even more Battlecats lore.
Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 has an average ComiXology Rating of 3 Stars.
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Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 – Cover
Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 Review
Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 says goodbye to the multi-story arc of Issue 1. Instead, focusing on the final battle of Goadar and the Battlecats of the series’ namesake.
Issue #2 celebrates the end of the Battlecats in fine form. Starting off with a letter to Goadar, presumably from the former King Erasmus II. Advising he has failed and to look after the Kingdom.
What follows is a walkthrough in the triumphs and victories of Goadar. Telling of the Battlecats’ journeys through fictional Cat-lands like Stormholt, Greenspyre, Arkhovia, and Blackstone. Before the issue series ends on Goadar’s final battle and demise at the hands of the Fire Fiend.
It’s hard to pin down this issue to likes and dislikes when the Tales of Valderia series is to Battlecats what The Silmarillion is to Lord of the Rings. Instead I’m leaning more positively on this Issue versus than the First.
Mark London tells the story in Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 that Battlecats fans want to read. While the combined artistry chops of Daniel Jimeno and Tekino continues to explore a lush and vibrant fantasy world. Though it’s Miguel Jimeno Zapata’s lettering that has well and truly established himself as Master Fantasy Scribe.
Pick up Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 from your Local Comic Shop.
Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #1 Review
Engage with the Creators
Mark London – Twitter | Website
Daniel Jimeno – Instagram
Tekino – Twitter
Miguel Angel Zapata
Giovanna T. Orozco – Twitter
Chris Fernandez – Twitter
Purchase Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2

Grab a copy of Battlecats: Tales of Valderia #2 from Mad Cave Studios.