Creepy Documentaries on Netflix
Netflix has released some absolutely inspiring documentaries. Some to amaze and others to inspire. That’s the lighter side of Netflix. The dark side of Netflix is its Horrific True Crime and Creepy Documentaries that will shock and haunt you.
Here’s the creepiest documentaries we’ve watched on Netflix and believe me when I say – keep these documentaries away from your kids. Unless, you’re a sick son of a bitch. Then watch them whenever you like!
The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkness

The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkness is a Netflix Documentary which chronicles the killings which the infamous serial killer, The Son of Sam, was responsible for – but from an entirely new angle. Narrated by Hollywood actor, Paul Giamatti, from the perspective of investigative journalist and author Maury Terry, who becomes convinced that serial killer David Berkowitz did not act alone. If conspiracy thrillers involving serial killers and satanic cults are your jam then this is the true crime documentary for you.
Don’t F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Serial Killer

Don’t F**k with Cats took the world by storm. What starts as an unhealthy obsession with an online community who are obsessed with finding the killer of these innocent kittens soon turns deadly as these two obsessed facebook users try desperately to track down this fame obsessed canadian pornography actor turned animal killer who is quickly degrading into would be serial killer. And if you think that last sentence was bonkers then wait until you watch this Netflix documentary.
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country is a Netflix documentary about the now deceased Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, his personal assistant/highly disliked personality Ma Anand Sheela and the thousands of followers they accumulated in the Rajneeshpuram community of Wasco County, Oregon, USA. What starts as an alternative lifestyle cult focused on love and freethought soon degrades into militarism, biological terrorism and the sexual assault on women and children. Y’know, because cults.
Worst Roommate Ever

Everyone who’s had a roommate has a story to tell about their bad eating and living habits. Perhaps coming home late at night and waking you up as they stumble into the living room in a drunken stupor? Well, Worst Roommate Ever is a Netflix documentary which features four stories about roommates with malevolent and sometimes violent intentions who turn the lives of their unsuspecting victims into real-life nightmares. By the time you’ve finished watching – your jaw would’ve collected dust off your floor.
Unsolved Mysteries

Whether you want to call it a reboot or the inaugural fifteenth season, you can thank Netflix for bringing back this creepy and spine-tingling Documentary series which focuses on the unexplained. Although, Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries is probably not as creepy as the original – it does delve deep into the American psyche of what it truly means to be afraid. Sadly, there isn’t as much of an emphasis on the paranormal and you’ll have to do without the narrative talents of Raymond Burr (RIP), Robert Stack (RIP) and Dennis Farina (RIP).
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

Anyone who’s been paying attention to Pop Culture references for the last few years has heard of Tiger King. Or, at the very least, heard a “Carole Baskin fed her husband” to a tiger joke. Yeah, sorry folks, but that crazy b***h definitely fed her husband to that Tiger. This Netflix documentary tackles the Tiger Wars as various privately owned Big Cat parks go head to head. In the end, I can promise you this; you won’t feel sorry for anyone involved.
The Tinder Swindler

The Tinder Swindler is a Netflix documentary that focuses on the life lived large by Israeli conman Simon Leviev who used dating app, Tinder, to swindle multiple women out of tens of thousands of dollars. In fact, it’s now estimated that the total number he’s stolen is closer to the $10 million amount.
Love is blind, folks.
The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes

The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes is a Netflix documentary which revisits the mystery of Marilyn Monroe’s death. It begins with Anthony Summers, author of the book Goddess (1985), explaining how he’s begun researching the circumstances around Monroe’s death. Like many other Netflix documentaries, the focus is on tape-recorded interview excerpts, with people with who knew Monroe at some point in her life or who had some knowledge about her death.
The Confession Killer

Manson, Berkowitz, and John Wayne Gacy are all infamous serial killers forever ingrained into the psyche of American Pop Culture. Few, however, have accumulated as many kills as Henry Lee Lucas.
The Confession Killer is a Netflix documentary chronicling the infamous ‘confession killer.’ But it’s when Henry Lee Lucas admitted to killing over 600 people, is when things get really interesting.
Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer

Of all the Netflix documentaries on this list, Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer is the most terrifying. Night Stalker follows the hunt for deranged, psychopathic serial killer Richard Ramirez. Its dark, atmospheric and at times feels like a horror film more than it does a Netflix original mini-series. If you want to give your kids nightmares then this doco is perfect.
Dark Tourist

If you’re not familiar with what dark tourism is then this documentary series is going to blow your mind. Dark Tourist follows New Zealander and Journalist, David Farrier, as he visits tourist hotspots that are famous for celebrating Death and Tragedy. On his travels, David visits graveyards, radioactive lakes, racist ”whites only” towns, and the insanity doesn’t end there. Dark Tourist puts the celebration of the dark side under the microscope.
Conservations with a Killer: The John Wayne Gacy Tapes

Everyone remembers the serial killer who liked to dress up as a clown. Who knows, perhaps John Wayne Gacy is where the paralysing fear of clowns oroginates from? Despite this, Conversations with a Killer: The John Wayne Gacy Tapes delves deeper and tracks the degradation of Gacy from sexual sadist into serial killer.
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Our Father

As far as creepy, bizarre and downright strange is concerned, Our Father takes the cake. Our Father follows the story of this fertility doctor who impregnated the women, who were his patients, with his own sperm. Then further expands on the illegitimate sons and daughters of his that have discovered the horror of their own origins. Not to mention the health issues he’s passed on to a whole new generation. Truly the creepiest Netflix documentary on this list.
What did you think of these Creepy Netflix Documentaries?
What did you think of these Creepy AF Netflix Documentaries? Did they chill you to the bone or leave you with nightmares? Let us know on social media.