Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1: Recap and Review

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What was this 90’s cartoon from Marvel Entertainment and Saban Entertainment? What is Silver Surfer about? Who stars in Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1?

This is a review and recap for “Silver Surfer” – Season 1 Episode 1, “The Origin of the Silver Surfer.”

Viewer beware – Spoilers below!

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1: Recap

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1: Recap and Review 1
Paul Essiembre voice of Norrin Radd, Camilla Scott voice of Shalla-Bal – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

The first episode of Silver Surfer opens on an explanation of the universe and those that dwell within it, noting specifically that it is concurrently simple and yet complex. As we narrow in we are given a closer view of one particular corner of the universe, notably our own, as we are introduced to a variety of strange alien life that have each gained sentience and eventually spaceflight. We are then given a quick rundown of two particular galactic civilizations, the Kree and the Skrull, and their seeming need to subjugate other life and remain locked in eternal conflict.

Our narrator then swiftly introduces the newest threat to the sector; Galactus. We are told that galactus is a force more powerful than any other that exists, an apparent force of nature driven only by the need to feed and survive. Galactus is directly compared to a shark, as a creature who cares not for anything or anyone harmed in his desire to eat.

We are then introduced to our narrator, the Watcher. He outlines his role in the universe, to simply watch and record the events that unfold across this particular part of the cosmos. He makes sure to note that he is not allowed to interfere in the events, and that his task brings him as much pain as it does joy.

With the exposition out of the way we find ourselves upon the planet Zenn-La, and specifically with Shalla-Bal as she comes across Norrin Radd who has evidently disappeared to admire a monument to the space-faring days of their people’s past. It takes us no time at all to learn how much Norrin admires the explorers of the past, his very first line being “think of the courage our ancestors had”. This is clearly a man with a touch of wanderlust, even as Shalla-Bal reminds him that the people of Zenn-La have evidently risen above such things due to their ‘enlightenment’ to the true path for peace being internal rather than external. Something that has made Zenn-La a destination for all who seek harmony. Norrin notes a lack of harmony within himself, and Shalla-Bal expresses her great love for him and that she will support him not matter what path appears before him.

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1: Recap and Review 2
Don Francks voice of Kalek, Aron Tager voice of the Master of Zenn-La, David Hemblen voice of Husserl – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

The tender moment between the two is interrupted by two ships, Kree and Skrull. After some confusion over what it could mean for both to arrive, as well as a cutaway to Galactus’ ship carving through a comet, we learn that the crews to both ships have come to Zenn-La to find the harmony and peace it is known for, and perhaps begin to mend relations between their peoples (even if the two commanders are openly competitive about which crew is more honoured to have been accepted). The Master of Zenn-La helps defuse tensions and then has Norrin confiscate their weapons through some means that is never really explained, but appears to be some form of magic.

Things are interrupted once more, this time by the Watcher as he projects himself upon the sky. The Watcher informs them that by appearing as he has he is breaking his vow to never interfere, but that he feels Zenn-la is too important for him not to. He then warns them of Galactus’ approach, who we learn is evidently thought of as nothing but a myth by those he hasn’t yet destroyed, and hopes that they might be able to save themselves from Galactus’ hunger. Though he may have left things a little late, for as soon as his projection fades Galactus’ ship has already descended upon them.

As Galactus’ ship begins to feed upon the planet with mechanical tentacles, the Master leads them all to commence a ritual using a large crystal that will allow him to plead for mercy from the world devourer. Naturally this fails and so the Kree and Skrull both attempt to take the fight directly to Galactus and his ship, only for them to seemingly achieve nothing before he promptly eliminates both in a single attack.

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Don Francks voice of Kalek, Colin Fox voice of Uatu/The Watcher – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

Frustrated at their situation Norrin calls for the Watcher to show himself once more, demanding that he tell them what he knows may help them given he has already broken his oath that day. Though we do not hear it we can assume the Watcher does indeed give up a secret of Galactus for the next scene we see Norrin charging into a museum to Zenn-La’s spacefaring past carrying a fragment of the crystal the Master used to speak to Galactus earlier. He then flies up in an old rocket to speak with Galactus through the crystal. He offers Galactus a trade; if the world devourer agrees to not devour Zenn-La then Norrin will seek out the planets for Galactus to feed upon himself. Admitting a weariness to undertaking the search himself, Galactus agrees to the deal.

Back on Zenn-La Norrin says his goodbyes, as Shalla-Bal laments the price he must pay to save their world. Norrin states that he is the only one who can pay it, though why that is is rather unclear, and that he intends to lead Galactus only to worlds that do not sustain intelligent life (that specification suggesting Norrin won’t be joining any animal rights groups anytime soon). Galactus then shows he has little patience for emotional farewells and takes Norrin despite his request for a little more time or Shalla-Bal’s pleas that she go with him.

We then finally get to see Norrin’s transformation into the titular Silver Surfer, right at the very end of the first episode (which is probably why they made sure to note it as a ‘part 1’). Norrin is given all of the powers and abilities he shall need as Galactus’ herald, most notably his surfboard. It does feel a little strange when Galactus calls him the ‘Silver Surfer’, though it was noted at the start he has immense knowledge so it can be presumed that he knows something of surfing somewhere in his massive head. Most notably Galactus also takes his memories, and with that seemingly Norrin’s whole plan to only offer up planets without intelligent life when the Silver Surfer immediately suggests he eat Zenn-La. Galactus does prove one who keeps his promises though and tells him that that planet is not an option. Silver Surfer then takes off into space in search of a new meal for Galactus as the Watcher narrates some more about the nature of the universe and the tragedy of Norrin’s fate.

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1: Review

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1: Recap and Review 4
James Blendick voice of Galactus – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

I have very distinct memories of this series from when I was a kid, specifically this episode (so much so I’m not sure I watched any beyond it back then). Back then I didn’t read comics, and I outright hated the idea of superheroes. I’m almost certain the only reason this even held me for an episode (it is possible I watched more, and as I continue those memories will return) was because elements of it reminded me of Animorphs. I mention this because watching it now is an interesting experience.

I can absolutely see why this show never grabbed me too strongly, as much as it may have reminded me of my favourite book series. Being so closely adapted from the original comics may help give it a special flavour, but it also creates a narrative and setting more convoluted than necessary. Today I can appreciate the backdrop of the Kree/Skrull war, but from a more analytical stand-point I feel it was just an extra thing in this first episode that didn’t ultimately add anything necessary. It’s supposed to help us see the value of Zenn-La in how it brings peace to the universe, but that never actually happens. The Kree and the Skrull didn’t do anything on Zenn-La before Galactus attacks, they had already taken the steps towards peace on their own.

Now, this may certainly seem nitpicky (and it kind of is) but as much as this is a show that adults could enjoy it was intended for a younger audience, and for this audience I feel a lot of this expository stuff isn’t a great choice. It just kind of overwhelms instead of supporting the story of the episode, which should have a stronger emotional core throughout than I feel it does.

That being said, I do also appreciate the confidence they seem to have had in this production. They don’t water it down, which you might expect given everything involved. I also found great quality in the animation, particularly in the melding of the traditional 2D and 3D effects. I particularly love how Galactus looks, there is a true sense of power in how he is rendered.

I would not expect this episode to sell anybody new on watching the entire series. Perhaps all three episodes of the first story-line, which alone feels like an odd choice, are needed but that in itself is a problem. I truly see this, as of right now, as a show that will only truly be appreciated by those with nostalgia for the show, the comics, or, ideally, both. We shall see if future episodes change my opinion.

Who are the Silver Surfer Voice Actors?

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1: Recap and Review 5
Paul Essiembre voice of Silver Surfer, James Blendick voice of Galactus – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

The voice actors who appear in this episode of Silver Surfer include:

  • Paul Essiembre as Norrin Radd /Silver Surfer
  • James Blendick as Galactus
  • Colin Fox as Uatu/The Watcher
  • Camilla Scott as Shalla-Bal
  • Aron Tager as The Master of Zenn-La 
  • David Hemblen as Husserl
  • Don Francks as Kalek

What did you think of this Episode?

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