Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review

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What was this 90’s cartoon from Marvel Entertainment and Saban Entertainment? What is Silver Surfer about? Who stars in Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7?

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This is a review and recap for “Silver Surfer” – Season 1 Episode 7, “Innervisions.”

Viewer beware – Spoilers below!

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap

Gary Krawford voice of Thanos – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company
Gary Krawford voice of Thanos – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

Thanos rocks up to a planet in his skull ship and, rather surprisingly, begins reminiscing about family vacations. May not have been such a happy childhood, as he states that he and his brother Mentor were both genetically engineered except Mentor was made to learn while Thanos to harm. He then returns to his ship to talk to Lady Chaos about their love, and annihilates the planet as a token of his affection.

Meanwhile, Surfer is slowly coasting along through space, bemoaning the fact he longs for a companion after he just sent away the ones he had. He then happens upon debris he believes to be from a planetoid or moon, but being the hero he is he remains more focused on finding the Dream Weaver of Zenn-La on a planet named Harmony. He then finds Thanos destroying every planet as he heads towards Harmony, which gets Surfer’s attention.

Thanos explains to Lady Chaos why he has chosen this particular system to gift her, and then thanks her when he discovers that Silver Surfer is there for him to get his revenge. Thanos’ attack on Surfer starts well, but Surfer quickly eludes him to go warn the people of Harmony, who don’t seem to pay him any attention.

He discovers the people of Harmony are being cared for by robots, and following then he discovers the Dream Weaver. Turns out the Dream Weaver does what it does and has woven a group dream for the entire planet to fall into due to a device attached to it. He shuts it down and a great despair falls over the entire people, and Surfer languishes under their pain. So he turns the device back on and decides the only option is to enter the dream and, presumably, shut it down from inside.

Paul Essiembre voice of Silver Surfer – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company
Paul Essiembre voice of Silver Surfer – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

He finds them inside a dream of a very Greco-Roman looking civilization. He witnesses a gladiatorial battle between a female Whynnm (the people of Harmony) and a clay monster, and she is quickly victorious. A male warrior does not like Surfer being near her, but Surfer finds he has forgotten exactly why he came to warn them and the male warrior attacks. The male warrior, who declares himself Beta Ray Bill, reveals that they are well aware that they are inside a dream, and that he knows how to defeat Surfer.

Back in space, Thanos has evidently moved on from Surfer escaping him and continues his tour of planetary destruction. He doesn’t like Harmony much at all, since they apparently suggest to his father that Thanos be sent to Zenn-La boarding school.

In the dream Surfer continues to try and defuse Beta Ray Bill’s need to fight. Surfer is then surrounded and bound by a veritable mob of Whynnm. Surfer continues to do his best to hold them off without fully fighting, but Bill declares that he must prove he is real by winning combat. Surfer disarms Bill and then the female warrior, at which point they all suspect he genuinely does have a warning for them.

Lady Chaos wants a closer look at the civilisation on Harmony, and so Thanos obliges. There he finds Surfer again and is once more pleased at his chance to get revenge upon Surfer. We the learn that Lady Chaos is not just a statue, but trapped within the stone.

Karl Pruner voice of Beta Ray Bill – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company
Karl Pruner voice of Beta Ray Bill – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

Surfer struggles to recall what his warning for the Whynnm, and the Whynnm quickly return totheir dream battles.. Surfer joins in and becomes pretty good budds with Beta Ray Bill.He snaps back to his senses, but Bill isn’t keen on returning to reality. Bill reveals that the Whynnm were torn between their desire for harmony and their need of glory in battle and so used the Dream Weaver to create a world where they could have both.

Surfer finally gets through to Bill, who hopes there is something good in his people, and so helps Surfer to end the Dream. The Whynnm once again are not so happy to be back in reality, but Surfer remembers that Thanos is on his way. Bill notes how low his people had fallen, and that they have no way to fight Thanos after they converted all of their technology to support the Dream.

However, Surfer hatches a plan and they use the Dream Weaver to make Thanos feel fulfilled. They make it so he not only believes he has already destroyed Harmony, but that Lady Chaos has escaped the stone to proclaim how proud she is of him. So he heads off with his false Lady Chaos to spread more destruction elsewhere.

On Harmony the Whynnm are still upset to be in reality and want Surfer and Bill both gone. The female warrior, though not a warrior in the real world, gives a speech that eases the Whynnm and rallies them. Surfer then leaves, thinking of his lost love Shalla-Bal.

Thanos continues on through space, only to be distraught to find her stone once more. Not sure I’d want to be on a planet nearby at that point.

Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7: Review

Gary Krawford voice of Thanos – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company
Gary Krawford voice of Thanos – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

This was a pretty decent episode, with surprisingly solid pacing. Perhaps more time could have been spent in the Dream to better show how it traps those within, but by getting past that relatively quickly the show is able to maintain some good forward momentum. It doesn’t lag anywhere like I’d expect, even if the ending does feel a little rushed.

I don’t like that the episode openly reminded me, in many ways, how much I dislike that Surfer is alone again. Not only does he point it out, but he does so by doing the very moaning I was worried would happen. Lone Surfer is a Surfer I just do not care for, and was almost hoping Thanos did wipe him out. Thankfully he does get Bill for a bit, but this is temporary before he is alone and moaning again.

On the topic of Bill, I cannot imagine Beta Ray Bill fans are great fans of this episode. Not only does it change the name of his people from Korbinites to Whynnm, but it also makes it so he is only the warrior he is beloved as in a dream. Ultimately it might have been better to have just made up a whole new race for this episode, but they chose to do it as they did.

It also doesn’t help that the episode starts by setting up that Surfer will make progress towards finding Zenn-La, and by the end he is further away as his only lead is used up. Still, so long as the structure of the episodes remains at least as strong as this one a lot of these issues are easier to overlook.

Who are the Silver Surfer Voice Actors?

Lally Cadeau voice of Lady Chaos, Gary Krawford voice of Thanos – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company
Lally Cadeau voice of Lady Chaos, Gary Krawford voice of Thanos – Silver Surfer Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Marvel Entertainment/The Walt Disney Company

The voice actors who appear in this episode of Silver Surfer include:

  • Paul Essiembre as Norrin Radd /Silver Surfer
  • Gary Krawford as Thanos
  • Karl Pruner as Beta Ray Bill
  • Lally Cadeau as Lady Chaos

What did you think of this Episode?

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