She-Hulk’s Sassy Nemesis: Is Titania a Mutant?

is titania a mutant

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Ever since the debut of the Disney Plus She-Hulk series Marvel fans have become absolutely obsessed with Jameela Jamil’s portrayal of Titania. But what is Titania? Is Titania a Mutant or just a radically super-altered human like her arch-nemesis, She-Hulk?

Let’s delve into the history of Titania and answer the question “Is Titania a Mutant?”

The Early History of Titania

The early days of Mary MacPherran aka Titania
The early days of Mary MacPherran

Mary MacPherran was introduced to Marvel Comics all the way back in 1984 during the Secret Wars crossover series. Initially starting off as a super villain, she has since upgraded to an anti-hero and longtime rival of She-Hulk. Titania has often been described as one of Marvel’s strongest supervillains and easily one of She-Hulk’s greatest foes.

Interestingly, the Titania character who you’ve probably happened across due to either the Sensational She-Hulk comic series or Disney Plus streaming tv show, is not the original Marvel character to bear the name “Titania.” The first Titania (Davida Davito) was a female professional wrestler and member of a group of female wrestlers (all of which who had super strength).

Davito was killed by ‘The Scourge of the Underworld’ and upon being resurrected by Marvel writers, took up the name “Lascivious” as by this time Mary MacPherran had become more synonymous with the name “Titania.” Make sense?

But that’s not why we’re here today. We’re here to answer the question ‘Is Titania a Mutant?’

Titania is an Altered Human – Not a Mutant

When you realise you're not a Mutant
^Your face when you realise you’re not a Mutant

Technically speaking, Titania is an altered human – not a mutant. In the world of Marvel Comics, a mutant is born with a genetic defect or enhancement, with the effects normally surfacing around their adolescence. As there’s been no talk of this or of Mutants for that matter it seems highly unlikely that Kevin Feige and his minions would retcon Titania into a mutant.

Especially, given the She-Hulk TV show is part of the ever expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. A universe which has had two very famous mutant characters (Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch) appear in the Avengers films but refuses to acknowledge them as mutants. Not to mention there’s very little in the way of X-Men inclusion in what is considered to be the “Marvel Cinematic Universe.”

(This could all change, however, with the recent announcement of the upcoming Wolverine and Deadpool which could see mutants dragged into the bowels of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But then the relevancy here is, at best, a stretch.)

In the comics, Titania’s feud with She-Hulk began when she got the better of She-Hulk during the Secret Wars event. Whilst in the show, her feud began with She-Hulk when she was beaten up by She-Hulk in a court room for many strangers and onlookers to see. Just like her comic book counterpart, Titania is brash and overconfident, leading us to assume the longtime feud with She-Hulk will last for many years to come.

What is certain is that we haven’t heard the last of Titania. A character who is almost guaranteed to join a band of evil doers like the Masters of Evil, Frightful Four or maybe even the Thunderbolts. Who knows? Jameela Jamil does, after all, possess all the acting chops necessary to pull off the Titania role on the silver screen. Jamil’s Titania, although sparsely different, is absolutely exceptional, captures the essence of the character and is ravishingly unstoppable. I hope to see more of Titania.

What do you think about the Titania character?

Jameela Jamil's Titania gets taken to Court
Jameela Jamil’s Titania gets taken to Court

What do you think of Jameela Jamil’s portrayal? Did you enjoy it? Do you think Titania is a mutant?
Let us know on social media.
