Has Rick Sanchez met his match in ‘Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu’ #1?

Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu #1

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Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu

Here at we’ve taken a certain fascination with the way in which the Rick and Morty comic books have developed while the show is between seasons. Most recently, thanks to the brilliant pairing of writer Jim Zub and artist Troy Little, the two infamous dimension hoppers take on a threat they haven’t encountered before: H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu.

But before I go on, the usual disclaimer:

Reader beware – spoilers ahead!

Does Rick Sanchez die in Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu?

After a bungling effort by Morty of giving artificial sweetener to a gang of anthropomorphic cockroaches goes horribly wrong (when they originally asked for sugar), there’s trouble in paradise in the usual passive aggressive Rick and Morty relationship. More than usual as it’s the last straw for Morty screwing up – yet again.

Upon returning home, Rick discovers that an interdimensional infestation is afoot. One that is already infesting the Smith household – with Jerry reading a H.P. Lovecraft novel and Beth eating preparing squid for dinner this can mean only one thing – Cthulhu is infecting the real world with its bizarre old ones’ magic.

With the solution to rid space and time of the dreaded Cthulhu phenomenon, the Smith Family and Rick travel to a fictionally dark locale and encounter one of the most dreaded characters in H.P. Lovecraft lore, Wilbur Whateley, who diehard Lovecraft fans will recognise instantly as a central figure in The Dunwich Horror.

Alas, cool heads don’t prevail in this encounter of man vs paranormal horror as Rick, Morty, Beth and Jerry lose their collective minds (Jerry especially) leaving the opportunity for Morty’s sister, Summer, to take out Wilbur Whateley with a sniper rifle.

Summer Smith takes out H.P. Lovecraft character Wilbur Whateley
^Summer Smith takes out H.P. Lovecraft character Wilbur Whateley

With the Smith parents in complete shock and Summer the clear MVP, Rick opens a portal, sending Beth and Jerry home to deal with their post traumatic Lovecraft disorder.

This frees up Rick and Morty (and Summer) to track down a new set of Lovecraftian beasts. Going three on one with a multi-tentacled terror that chases them and tries to eat them. However, the three of them manage to blow it up thanks to a handy Rick Sanchez signature bomb.

This win raises Summer up in his status which naturally pisses off Morty to no end as he’s still the only one on this entire quest that hasn’t been given a weapon. Adding a further divide to the ongoing Rick and Morty bromance between Grandfather and Grandson.

It feels as though the team of Rick and Morty (and Summer) have Cthulhu’s creatures well on the run with several wins throughout this adventure. However, on the search for the “Old Marsh Man” they come across a local 18th Century pub. One that is suitably dark and meet a dark hooded figure who introduces himself as the Old Marsh Man’s son.

What follows on the last page is a quick use of telepathy and telekinesis which causes Rick to raise his ray-gun and pull the trigger – disintegrating his head clean off his shoulders. The end of Rick in this Rick and Morty comic. A lasting effect which could change this comic book forever.

Rick Sanchez dies in Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu #1
^Rick Sanchez dies in Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu #1

Will you pick up Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu #1?

Are you a Rick and Morty fan? Has Rick Sanchez finally met his match in ‘Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu’ #1?

Will Rick Sanchez make a dramatic comeback in Issue 2? This was a great first issue which pulls no punches in the H.P. Lovecraft references – I highly recommend you pick it up.
Let us know on social media.
