Ranked: The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time

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Since 1992, Mortal Kombat has been an ever-loved series full of original and unique characters. Its gruesome and brutal graphics have been one of its best-selling points, as many other franchises have not gone so far as to explore the possibilities. Without the vicious villains that make up these games and comics, the never-ending plot twists wouldn’t make its story so interesting. In detail below is a make-up of the most powerful and impactful villains that make up the game.

15. Mileena

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Mileena
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Mileena

Mileena is a creation of Shang Tsung’s Flesh Pit, for the likes of Shao Kahn. As a clone of Kitana, she has come to hate her more and more as time has gone on due to jealousy. Even though (in a way) she is the favorite child, she feels she has suffered more, and Kitana should feel the same pain as she has.

A mix of Edenian and Tarkatan has resulted in Kahn’s “perfect” daughter. Her absolute rage and loyalty to those she serves make her a top competitor. She has been a part of the main antagonists’ missions throughout the game series. Mileena has a mix of powers including invisibility, teleportation, and can use her teeth to bite into her opponents. Also, she can charge her sai with energy during kombat. After Kahn’s death, she did take over as Emperor for a short while.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Can be killed, and has been. Although she is a very strong fighter, she doesn’t necessarily have martial arts experience either. 

14. Sindel

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Sindel
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Sindel

Sindel is the tragic wife of Shao Kahn. Originally the (former) Queen of Edenia, she ruled alongside her husband Jerrod, and Princess Kitana, her daughter. Although perceived by her daughter as bewitched, her evil is of her own doing, as she only desires power. 

Sindel possesses aerial magic powers and an ultrasonic scream. She is also able to stretch her hair to wrap up her enemies and restrain them. Her scream is so powerful that it can peel off her opponent’s skin. In MK11, Kronika admitted that she was the only real threat to Cetrion.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Can be killed. Quan Chi killed her, and Shang Tsung stole her soul. 

13. General Reiko

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: General Reiko
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: General Reiko

Reiko is one of the many characters in Mortal Kombat to hope to possess the title of Outworld’s emperor. Another general of Shao Kahn’s armies, Reiko is also a known member of the Brotherhood of Shadows. 

Reiko wields the Wrath Hammer and has superstrength giving him better physical attacks. Reiko has also been one of the few people to defeat Blaze, which resulted in his victory over Shao Kahn to become emperor of Outworld.  

Flaws/Weaknesses: Can be killed, as seen by Mileena. Just like Shao Kahn, his ego is far too big for what he is capable of. 

12. Sektor

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: General Sektor
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: General Sektor

Ketchup, the son of the Grandmaster, was the first of the Lin Kuei clan to submit themself to the Cyber Initiative. He has also been seen as one of Shao Kahn’s generals. 

Sektor is a ruthless killing machine. With no regard for the people he allies with, or even his clan for that matter, he is a stand-alone character that can create a lot of damage on his own. With the cyber upgrades, he can teleport, shoot missiles and other weaponry from his armor, and uses Pulse Blades that emit energy. 

Flaws/Weaknesses: His programming can be corrupted to do the bidding of others. He can also be killed, as seen by Sub-Zero. 

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11. Havik

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Havik
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Havik

This undead sorcerer isn’t necessarily evil, but he is an unreliable character as he makes alliances with those who will help his cause, and nothing more. Havik is from the Chaosrealm, and he likes to cause just that. 

As seen in the Mortal Kombat comics and games, Havik can rejuvenate himself and doesn’t experience pain. As seen in the new timeline, he also has sorcery about him. He can possess anyone from any realm at any time he chooses. He also has the ability of resurrection, as seen used on Shao Kahn to continue his chaotic rule. Havik has many abilities about him and considering his chaotic nature, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Flaws/Weaknesses: He can survive just about any injury but isn’t immortal as he has been killed by Quan Chi.

10. Goro

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Goro
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Goro

This Shokan Prince is one of the first main antagonists seen in the Mortal Kombat universe. Goro holds many important roles in the MK series like his title as a prince, his races Mortal Kombat champion, general of the Outworld armies, and a (hopeful) emperor of Outworld.

His absolute brutality is of great use, as seen in his nine-time MK wins, and is quite the match; his four arms alone show his unearthly super strength. His strength has been his biggest gift against other characters who are unable to match his strength in other ways, like Johnny Cage or Jax, for example. He can also spit fire from his mouth and hands, which can most definitely be of use against characters like Kronika.

Flaws/Weaknesses: His strength can be matched by other characters with opposing abilities, like magic or sorcery. Distanced attacks can be of use to defeat this beast.

9. Noob Sabot

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Noob Sabot
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Noob Sabot

The first Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot is an undead ninja who was resurrected by Quan Chi. Killed by Scorpion, this ninja has come back to kill his younger brother, the new Sub-Zero.

Now as Saibot, he isn’t necessarily immortal, but he is already dead which can be seen as an advantage. His shadow powers are also his strongest attributes, allowing him to clone himself, teleport, and turn invisible. As Sub-Zero, he was seen as cold (no pun intended), ruthless and unmerciful. His arrogance makes him believe to be Quan Chi’s perfect creation, and this new path gives him fulfillment. As a loyal follower of Shinnok, and sometimes Shao Kahn, he can continue his quest to take over Netherrealm. 

Flaws/Weaknesses: Nightwolf was able to kick Noob Saibot into the Soulnado in MK9, but was later revealed to have survived.

8. Geras

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Geras
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Geras

Created by Kronika, Geras has some very unique powers about him, while also being similar to his creator. Geras has lived through many events in time, as he has been around for a millennium. He can be killed, but he comes back to life even stronger than before.

Geras has many insanely powerful abilities about him. Just like Kronika, he can manipulate time and sand, to a point. He can use sand as a weapon, transform into it, and build objects with it as well. He can stop time, rewind, and replay it. Also, he can go back in time to before he died to repeat certain events. As mentioned, he is immortal, but can die. His accelerated healing helps him get back up to continue his fight. Geras is almost unstoppable and should be feared.

Flaws/Weaknesses: His immortality can be seen as his greatest weakness. Raiden wraps him up in chains and throws him into the neverending Blood Sea. He cannot drown, so he is stuck falling forever. However, I would think due to his ability to change into sand, he would be able to escape and reform thereafter.

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7. Shinnok

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Shinnok
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Shinnok

The son of Kronika and brother of Cetrion, Shinnok is a very influential antagonist throughout Mortal Kombat. Although Shinnok is the ruler of the Netherrealm, alongside Quan Chi, he ranks lower in the sense of accomplishments, powers, and matchups against other characters. 

A fallen Elder God, Shinnok was banished to the Netherrealm for his crimes against Earthrealm. His godly powers and immortality make him an almost unstoppable force. As seen in MKX, he also has the ability to transform into an even more demonic creature through the anger and rage he develops. Even in his absence, the Brotherhood of Shadow continues his work to conquer other realms. 

Flaws/Weaknesses: Can easily be tricked by fake amulets. Immortal, but if the amulet is taken he can be sucked into it until granted to come out. 

6. Onaga

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Onaga
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Onaga

Onaga, The Dragon King, Emperor of Outworld (formerly), whatever you may know him as is still one of the most notable characters in the game. His accomplishments, and desire to rule and conquer  all are what make him one of the best villains to be introduced to Mortal Kombat.

Onaga is so powerful, even Shao Kahn fears him. His draconic powers give him the ability to spit fireballs and  Onaga possessed the kamidogus, relics by the elder gods that had contained the essence of the realms. With his absolute desire for power and ruling over everything to exist. Onaga also became a god when he was able to absorb Blaze’s elemental powers. In Mortal Kombat: Deception, he accomplished becoming the One Being after defeating all of the fighters.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Shao Kahn killed him in order to take over as emperor. Failed in his attempt to gain eternal life when keeping the last known dragon egg. When Onaga had overtaken Reptile’s body, he was later forced from his body and dragged to the Netherrealm.

5. Quan Chi

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Quan Chi
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Quan Chi

As the founder of the Brotherhood of Shadow, this powerful necromancer is one of the top-tier antagonists in most Mortal Kombat creations. He is infamously known for being a loyal follower of Shinnok and killing Hanzo Hasashi’s entire family. He is typically seen adding Shinnok in his plans to conquer other realms.

On top of his necromancy and sorcery, upon retrieval of the Amulet of Shinnok, he also gained more powers, like traveling between the realms. He is also able to clone himself or summon skeletons, creating an army to attack his opponents in battle. 

Flaws/Weaknesses:  He’s also been killed by Scorpion through decapitation. He relies too much on his brotherhood and obedience to Shinnok, instead of using his powers to conquer on his own with the followers he already has.

4. Blaze

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Blaze
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Blaze

Blaze is one of the most sought-after characters for his godly powers. Characters such as Goro, Shinnok, Onaga, and even Shao Kahn have tried to claim his powers because he’s so powerful. Delia created this creature in preparation for the oncoming Armageddon. 

During Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Blaze was solely responsible for turning all of the fighters on one another to kill each other. He was semi-successful in this mission, but nonetheless, no one else has been able to do it. He is a catalyst of ultimate power. When tasked with protecting the last dragon egg for Onaga, players see his new appearance later on. Blaze has been praised for being the most powerful character in Mortal Kombat, but even he can be defeated. 

Flaws/Weaknesses: Any kombatant that defeats Blaze would be able to steal his powers. Shao Kahn did end up doing so. 

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3. Shang Tsung

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Shang Tsung
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Shang Tsung

As the right hand to Shao Kahn, this immortal sorcerer is almost unmatched in the abilities and powers he wields. He only looks out for himself and the plans he has in store. Although he has many alliances with other Outworld characters, he will turn on anyone he sees fit. 

Tsung is well-rounded in all the abilities he possesses. His most powerful being shapeshifting and soul absorption. Through these powers, he can steal a person’s soul and take all of their knowledge, memories, powers, and is able to shapeshift into that person’s form. he can essentially be any and every character in the universe, if he is able to possess their soul.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Although there are alternative endings, Liu Kang is able to wipe Tsung from existence (MK11). Also, in the ’95 film, Liu Kang knocks Tsung off a ledge and is impaled by the spikes below. All of the souls he had possessed were therefore released from his body. 

2. Shao Kahn

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Shao Kahn
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Shao Kahn

Shao Kahn has been one of the emperors of Outworld. Overtaking the Dragon King, he was able to gain his rule and conquer other realms. He’s also wiped races clean (for the most part) as seen with D’Vorah and Reptile, for example.

Kahn has a wide range of powers, but his most notable are the wielding of the Wrath Hammer, god-like strength, and dark magic. One of his most notable accomplishments was merging all of the realms into Outworld. Although this led to his demise in a way, it was still world-shattering.  

Flaws/Weaknesses: Perceived as immortal, but can (and has) been killed. He’s a megalomaniac; his overconfidence results in him opening the fight for the opposing characters to find an in.

1. Kronika

The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Kronika
The 15 Best Mortal Kombat Villains of All Time: Kronika

Kronika ranks at the top of this list not only for being a Titaness but also for her abilities to manipulate time and use sand as a weapon (turning it into glass for example). She has more powers about her, but these are the main two she is most known for, her time manipulation being the most powerful.

Being the mother of Shinnok and Cetrion, she has brought mighty forces to the world to help create her perfect version of the universe. Since she is the only character with the ability to manipulate time she has “restarted” the universe time and again to execute her vision. Millions of lives have been lost because of her doing and she continues to do it anyway. Not to mention, she wasn’t even willing to restore her son’s life after a match between him and Raiden. With no care for the people affected, she is able to wipe the universe clean at any moment, and change the course of history and the future.

Flaws/Weaknesses: She is only able to utilize her time manipulation powers through the Sacred Crown of Kronika or the Hourglass. Also, Kronika is not immortal. Her ultimate weakness is fire, as seen when Liu Kang kills her and takes over as the new ruler over time.

What did you think of these Mortal Kombat villains?

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