RANKED: 15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues

Incredible Hulk

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Teen-Age Romance was discontinued by Marvel in 1962 after 86 issues. It was replaced by the Incredible Hulk #1, not something romantic. Scientist Bruce Banner built a Gamma bomb and Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were plainly making a statement about the arms race. General “Thunderbolt” Ross was the one who wanted to test it as soon as possible, not the other way around.

Rick Jones, a teenager, was at risk of dying when a gamma bomb was accidentally detonated during an experiment. Bruce Banner intervened to save him, but in doing so, he was struck by the blast and gamma radiation was absorbed.

Although Banner didn’t pass away, he underwent a change. He became the Jekyll/Hyde of the Marvel Universe, two “men” inhabiting the same body, changing from the polite physicist into the gray-skinned monster known as “the Hulk” when he loses control. 

The Hulk is one of Marvel’s most well-known and often-read comic book characters. In addition to his lengthy history in comic books, the Hulk has made multiple notable film appearances, including four Avengers films and two solo movies.

This piece counts down the 15 best Incredible Hulk comic issues, and it is for those who want to learn more about The Incredible Hulk.

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15. The Incredible Hulk Annual #7

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk Annual #7
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk Annual #7

In this comic, a Sentinel attacks The Hulk at Gamma Base. The Sentinel’s satellite facility is where the Hulk is taken after a battle. The Sentinel and the satellite are repeatedly destroyed by the Hulk until everyone is free.

This fascinating issue is a perfect illustration of the legendary 1970s Hulk’s method of problem-solving: Smash everything more and more till the issues disappear. He destroys the enormous robot and the giant robot’s spacecraft, rips out the escape pod’s lock and drops the X-Men to Earth, and then leaps from orbit into the ocean. The X-Men also make an appearance in this issue, marking a rare instance of a Marvel team-up in which the heroes cooperate rather than clash.

14. The Incredible Hulk #179

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk #179
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk #179

Bruce Banner reverts to being The Hulk. The Missing Link, now known as Lincoln, the former foe of the Incredible Hulk, is boarded by an Appalachian family who takes in Banner.

Many of the Hulk comics are tales about friendships lost and found, and how Hulk frequently finds himself alone and in the cold. In reality, that was the main subject of the majority of episodes of the Incredible Hulk ’70s TV series, with David (Hulk’s real name on the show rather than Bruce) hitchhiking to the next town and adventure at the end of each episode. The community embraces Lincoln as their friend in this issue, but the Hulk walks away by himself.

13. The Incredible Hulk #200

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk #200
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk #200

The Hulk is reduced in size and implanted within a man’s brain while still having Bruce Banner’s intellect inside. The brain strikes back by summoning memories of the Hulk’s adversaries. The Hulk defeats the brain lesion but unintentionally shrinks past the point of recovery.

In this narrative, the Hulk is assisting the ex-boyfriend of his fiancée, and since this is issue 200, the writers have included all the major foes, including the Avengers, as manifested memories that oppose the Hulk. It’s a smart idea to riff on Fantastic Voyage, and it finishes with Hulk being lost. This issue marks an important milestone for an anti-hero who had his first title canceled after only a few issues: his 200th issue.

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12: The Incredible Hulk #215 & #216

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk #215 & #216
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk #215 & #216

In this issue, a SHIELD helicarrier has been seized by the Bi-Beast, who is threatening to destroy Earth. The Bi-Beast and Hulk engage in a fierce brawl across the helicarrier before the engines restart and cause Hulk to ultimately fall overboard. However, this issue stands out because it demonstrates how crucial it is for the Hulk to have companions. Jim Wilson talks Banner and the Hulk back to sanity in it.

Hulk might lose his humanity without someone like Wilson. To preserve the few allies he has, Hulk decides to assist Thunderbolt Ross in stopping the Bi-Beast as a result of this. Although the Hulk doesn’t always put others before himself, when he does, it’s for people he considers his friends.

11. The Incredible Hulk Annual #8

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk Annual #8
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: The Incredible Hulk Annual #8

A young woman saves the Hulk after he crashes into the forest and digs his head out so he can breathe. The government orders Sasquatch from Alpha Flight to track down the Hulk, but instead, Sasquatch tracks down Bruce and prods him into making a change.

Hulk loses another close buddy in this issue who had previously assisted in saving his life. Sasquatch wanted to compete against the Hulk to test who was stronger, but since the Hulk’s strength is fuelled by rage, no one is stronger, hence the moral of this tale may very well be the price of arrogance. Hulk gets stronger as his rage increases. Sasquatch almost kills the young woman and decimates a significant portion of the wilderness in the process. Although the Hulk was in the right and Sasquatch was wholly at fault, the Hulk ends up losing.

10. Daredevil #163

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Daredevil #163
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Daredevil #163

In quest of Banner, The Hulk is on the loose in New York, shattering everything in his path. He is found by Matt Murdock, who is able to calm him down long enough for him to turn back.

Another one that highlights the Hulk’s inner anguish and conflict is this one. The Hulk meets Matt during his hunt for a friend, but because he views Daredevil as his enemy, he nearly kills him. Again, the reader is made aware of Banner’s calming influence on Hulk and how distraught he is to lose that person. He believes that he will never find someone who truly understands him.

9. Fantastic Four #122

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Fantastic Four #122
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Fantastic Four #122

When Bruce Banner sees the Thing, he transforms into the Hulk and assists Reed Richards. They fight each other while destroying half of New York. Hulk comics can occasionally be excellent because they have a powerful emotional impact. They can also be pure slugfests, as they were in this instance. The Hulk and the Thing of the Fantastic Four have engaged in three epic battles.

They destroy the facades of buildings, some rooftops, autos, and Central Park. Basically, New York City is being traversed by one large, devastating war. Tired of the destruction, the locals attempt to storm the FF’s headquarters, the Baxter Building. The Four are destroyed, and Thing is almost slain. The reader is able to observe how the conflict changed New York’s perception of the FF.

8. Incredible Hulk Vol #34-39, Return of the Monster 

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk #34-#39
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk #34-#39

The Hulk makes a triumphant return to Bruce Banner’s psyche in this issue, rampaging around the globe as he once did. When forced to flee, Banner avoids the police as well as two murderous assailants while resuming a mental conflict with his alter ego. Banner is required to decide between avoiding destruction and avoiding capture at various moments in the comic. The story’s six issues were all written by Bruce Jones, while John Romita Jr., a famed comic book artist, illustrated them all.

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7. Incredible Hulk #181 

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk #181
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk #181

Incredible Hulk #181 is a pivotal issue for both the Incredible Hulk and Marvel Comics as a whole. In the legendary comic, Wolverine lends a hand to the Hulk after unexpectedly entering the fray during a battle between The Wendigo and the Hulk.

Following the loss of their shared foe, the two engage in a brief fight that is only ended by the application of knockout gas by two onlookers. Soon after waking up, Hulk and Wolverine pick up where they left off, fighting all the way up until Hulk knocks Wolverine out with a deadly hit to the face.

6. Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #25

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #25
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #25

Bruce Banner is depicted in Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #25 sitting atop a mountain, trying to keep his emotions under control as he mourns the passing of his wife. After a while, the Savage Hulk gives up and leaps into the air. The Abomination wakes up shortly after and sees the Hulk speeding right for him in the sky, as depicted in a well-done comic page.

General Ross is forced to see the enormous battle between the two from a helicopter as the Abomination pushes the Hulk into a reservoir in a tiny town. The argument gradually intensifies and eventually turns into one of the greatest battles in Hulk history.

5. Incredible Hulk #298-300 

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk #298-#300
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk #298-#300

Since his early days, the Hulk tends to completely lose control and start assaulting everyone and everything in his vicinity, whether they are allies or enemies. The Incredible Hulk issues #298–300 had one of the best treatments of this concept when Nightmare, a demonic entity, took control of the Hulk and transformed him into a rabid animal before releasing him loose on the streets of New York City. As a result, many Avengers—including Thor, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and others—are compelled to intervene and try to defeat their distressed teammate.

4. Incredible Hulk: The End 

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk - The End
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Incredible Hulk – The End

Readers don’t have to look very far to find one of the most significant and influential Hulk writers: Peter David, a legend in the world of comic books. David significantly developed Bruce Banner and Hulk’s personal history throughout the course of his twelve-year, career-defining run on the character, depicting a tragic upbringing that would have a lasting impact on Banner.

Hulk sits in the far future and surveys the devastated planet in one of David’s finest Hulk tales, The End, which contains artwork by the legendary George Perez. Banner locks himself away in a cave after realizing he couldn’t stop Hulk from wreaking havoc and killing people. Banner realizes after leaving that the world has been wiped off.

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3. Hulk: Future Imperfect

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Hulk - Future Imperfect
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Hulk – Future Imperfect

Hulk: Future Imperfect, another excellent Hulk story by Peter David, tells the tale of the Maestro, the Incredible Hulk who ruled the globe after nuclear bombs obliterated it. Although Maestro Hulk is the same Hulk that readers are familiar with, he is a terrible dictator who holds power with an iron hand. When Professor Hulk arrives in the Maestro’s world in the story’s future after journeying there, he immediately recognizes him as a more knowledgeable and even more vicious version of himself. In this comic, the Hulk visits the trophy room, which houses all of the significant artifacts from Marvel’s past, like Magneto’s helmet and Daredevil’s cane.

2. Immortal Hulk 

15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Immortal Hulk
15 Best Incredible Hulk Comic Book Issues: Immortal Hulk

Al Ewing’s Immortal Hulk, which ended recently after fifty issues, received immediate praise from critics for its extraordinary capacity to fuse key elements of Hulk legend with conventional comic book horror. Ewing probes deeply into Bruce Banner’s mind as he tries to forgive himself for the numerous terrible things he has done, sending Banner on a protracted psychological odyssey.

Immortal Hulk eventually brings back fan favorite Joe Fixit and explores the big psychological Hulk ideas outlined by Peter David from a perspective that ardent Hulk readers have never seen before.

1. Incredible Hulk Vol 2, issues #92-105

The Illuminati banishes the Hulk into far-off space in Planet Hulk, which is often regarded as the greatest Hulk comic of the contemporary period (it takes place before World War Hulk). A navigational miscalculation causes the Incredible Hulk’s  ship to crash onto the planet Sakaar. The Red King, the planet’s emperor, is amused by seeing the Hulk engage in gladiator matches when he is caught by the planet’s ruling forces. The Sakaar populace is inspired by Hulk’s battles, and the Hulk marshals a squad of soldiers to launch a great uprising against the Red King. 

Are any of these Incredible Hulk comic book issues your favourites?

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