We Tried KFC’s Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch (Review)

We Tried KFC's Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch (Review)

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About KFC’s Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger

Retro Australian KFC Ads

The ‘dirty bird’ has forever been entrenched in the cooking and service of the best and (to some) filthiest chicken meals. From ultra-fried chicken tenders to a family sized barbeque chicken, there’s very few varieties of chicken left for KFC to experiment with. Varieties that I have ordered in abundance.

Thankfully, KFC Australia is never afraid to venture out with its “Limited Time Only” range, which usually just adds one or two ingredients to a usual standard – creating a fried chicken experience to leave you salivating for days. But then there have been moments where the KFC “Limited Time Only” has raised a few eyebrows. Do I need to remind you about the KFC Pulled Pork fiasco in 2016?

With this latest addition to the KFC menu it seems that the Executives at KFC Australia have taken a good look at the additives that ‘dirty bird’ foodies like myself have been adding to their Zinger burger order for many years now. Who doesn’t want some chips and crunchy salad added to their zinger burger to give it the muchly needed extra punch in your dinner experience? I know I do.

Thus, the Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger has been born – “For a limited time only.”

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Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger Meal – Review

We Tried KFC's Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch (Review)
We Tried KFC’s Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch (Review)

I’ve often joked with my wife that I’ll never leave her for another woman – it’ll be a KFC meal. And holy shit did the Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger start an affair in my mouth. Let me set the scene for you.

You open the carefully packaged KFC box, ripping it to shreds at the “tear here” section to reveal a glorious burger meal that elevates the KFC experience to godhood. First, you have your zinger tenders which are crispy and light to the taste. Then your chips which are the tastiest burnt bits of cardboard you’ve ever digested (sorry KFC Warners Bay, you fucked up here – not me). Moving on, is a plastic tub of nostalgia which is the stable of KFC glory, aka the infamous Potato and Gravy. Which is definitely not real Potato and Gravy – but I don’t care. I’ll drink that filthy pot of brown and white gold right in.

With the prick tease morsels out of the way, we move onto the main course: the Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger.

At first glance, you’ll gaze upon the spectacle of this new KFC Burger and the meat sweats will instantly begin to ooze out of your pores. There’s something about a perfectly curated and designed burger which will make you instantly salivate and sweat up a storm. When a burger looks this good it’s basically food foreplay.

At first bite, the crunch of dorito chips, salad and spicy chicken will begin to set off endorphins that you’ve never experienced before. With your pleasure centers at full power, your Zinger Crunch Burger experience will leave you longing for so much that you’ll want to crawl into a ball and scream “WHY GOD? OH WHY IS IT OVER?”

Bringing your first Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger story to a close and marking the beginning of your depression. This burger is the reason why I’m fat and cursing my father’s name when I take in any carbs at all. I’m such a pig.

But you know what? It was so worth it!

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Have you tried KFC’s Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger?

We hope you enjoyed our review of the Hot & Crispy Zinger Crunch Burger. Are you going to rush out and pick one up from KFC? Let us know on social media!
