“I Tend To Use Deeper Elements In My Stories” – Ariel Medel talks Comic Book Artistry

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Last week I caught up with comic book artist Ariel Medel to talk about all things comic book art and to find out more about his indie comic book, Adelita 3017, a Post-Apocalyptic thriller which is available on Kickstarter. Ariel likes to play down his achievements with world famous comic book publishers Zenescope, Dynamite Entertainment and Marvel Comics – having worked on titles like Grimm Fairy Tales, Evil Ernie, The Unbeatables and John Carter: Warlord of Mars.

Below you’ll find my interview with Ariel Medel in its entirety.

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Interview with Ariel Medel – Comic Book Artist

"I Tend To Use Deeper Elements In My Stories" - Ariel Medel talks Comic Book Artistry
“I Tend To Use Deeper Elements In My Stories” – Ariel Medel talks Comic Book Artistry

: Hi Ariel, how are you going right now? How is this chaotic world treating you?

Ariel Medel: I think the world is not treating us any better than how are treating it, lol. But I’m ok. I don’t think I can complain with so many people going through actual horrible situations. Hope you’re doing fine, too.

: Where in the world are you from?

Ariel Medel: Mexico.

: What projects are you currently working on?

Ariel Medel: Besides preparing for the Kickstarter of my creator-owned comic Adelita 3017, I’m working on a comic called Chickens In The Mist, based on an RPG game, about giant killer chickens. Also, the crowd-funding campaigns from 2 other projects I drew are coming out very soon: P.O.M. #5 and Milestone #1.

: How did you first get started?

Ariel Medel: As a pro artist? In Zenescope, in the 2013 Halloween special. But almost ten years after, I think I’m just getting started.

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"I Tend To Use Deeper Elements In My Stories" - Ariel Medel talks Comic Book Artistry

: What’s your favourite era of creative work by other artists?

Ariel Medel: That’s a difficult one. Probably the 80s. But I also love the fun and boldness of the 90s. If we talk specifically about the stories, the 80s, no contest. But there are some super fun things artists are doing nowadays too…

: Are you more of a horror or sci-fi nerd? What are your go to films to check out?

Ariel Medel: I like both, but I have to say sci-fi. Films: The Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Predator, Superman II are amongst my favorites. Horror: The Thing, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Lost Boys, The Blob (80s version). I also love stuff like Morgan and Arrival. But I don’t know if I could say they’re my go to films.

: Who are your main creative influences and what aspects of your creative work can we find them in?

Ariel Medel: I’m inspired by many things outside of comics, like mythology, a bit of history, and films. But in comics, specifically in art, my first influences were John Buscema, John Byrne and Jim Lee. Also guys like Marc Silvestri and the Kubert bros. More recently, I’d say Greg Capullo, Ryan Ottley, Sean Murphy, Dan Panosian. Just name some. And I try to learn from artists outside of comics, too.

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Glory Pinup by Ariel Medel
Glory Pinup by Ariel Medel

: Who are your go to musical jams to put on while you’re working?

Ariel Medel: Classical music is king, but also Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Metallica, Foo Fighters. And sometimes, movie soundtracks.

: What strengths in previous jobs have helped strengthen your creativity?

Ariel Medel: I worked as an illustrator for newspapers, magazines and ad agencies for a long time, and I think that helped me in some ways. Including learning work ethics.

: What weaknesses have you identified in your current project that you’re going to work on in the future?

Ariel Medel: A little bit of everything.

: Let’s talk about some memories that you had when you first started getting creative? How has this changed from childhood to adolescence to creating as an adult?

Ariel Medel: I’d say I’ve gotten better at it, lol. When I was a kid, I’d come up with ideas for movies and I couldn’t shape them into something cohesive. In my teenage years that started to change. I was able to actually put together stories. Another thing is, now I tend to use deeper elements in my stories.
Regarding drawing, I’m more critical and patient now.

: What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had?

Ariel Medel: I don’t know.

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Evil Ernie by Ariel Medel
Evil Ernie by Ariel Medel

: Do you have a favourite soft drink?

Ariel Medel: I try not to drink soft drinks, but I’d say ToniCol (from Mexico) and Cockta (from Croatia).

: Who’s your favourite telepath or gifted character in pop culture?

Ariel Medel: Professor Xavier and Jean Grey.

: Which creative work would you most like to be remembered for?

Ariel Medel: My creator-owned projects, like Adelita 3017. I’d also like to someday be able to draw and write at least one story-arc for characters like Superman, the rest of the JL, and the classic (more or less) Avengers. And I’d like to be remembered by those, too.

Check out Ariel Medel’s Social Accounts at any of the following links.

Ariel Medel’s Adelita 3017 Website

Ariel Medel on Facebook

Ariel Medel on Twitter

Ariel Medel on Instagram
