I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap and Review

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What’s I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8 about? Who gets murdered in this episode?
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This is a recap and review of I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: ‘Your Next Life Could Be So Much Happier’

Upping The I Know What You Did Last Summer Ante

When a show gets as ridiculous as I Know What You Did Last Summer has been this season, expectations get pretty high for the finale. It’s not that there were a lot of plot lines to wrap up. The show up until it’s finale did a pretty decent job of tying up loose ends and revealing all of its twists. It’s just that over the course of seven episodes the amount of ridiculous drama and characterization was operating at such a high level it was difficult to imagine the finale out doing itself with absurdity.

Fortunately, the story found a way to get crazy during its climax while also not introducing any new elements that would have left the audience unsatisfied.

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap and Review
I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap and Review

The show essentially became a race to cover up secrets before the sheriff had a chance to uncover the truth about Allison and Lennon. Dylan was the one who wanted to be honest and reveal what is really going on. Unfortunately, the truth is so crazy that the sheriff doesn’t necessarily believe him, but still, she just wants to follow up and rule out his insane story. She slowly tries to confirm which sister survived the accident. Meanwhile, Dylan recruits Margot in his mission while Allison and her father try to cover their tracks.

The story eventually culminates when it’s revealed that Margot was the killer all along. In her insanity, she believed that Allison was pretending to be Lennon and sought to kill people in order to get her to admit the truth. She even killed Allison’s mother and stabbed Allison, but the girl still refused to tell her who she was. Eventually, Dylan arrives at the scene and sees Margot has gone insane.

They struggle and the sheriff arrives just in time. Unfortunately, Margot says that Dylan was the murderer and in a surprise twist Allison confirms the story. The season basically ends with Dylan sent to prison for the murders while Margot and Allison form some bizarre love relationship.

Too Crazy To Comprehend

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap and Review
I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap and Review

There’s just so many little crazy details in this finale to make it all work that it’s mind-blowing to think that it all came together. In order to cover up her crimes, Margot’s bodyguard essentially went around cleaning up all of the bodies and evidence. Also, in order to trick the sheriff, Allison’s dad swapped out photos of her and Lennon in frames.

Then there’s the strange fact that Dylan is actually a little bit crazy himself. Even though he was the only one telling the truth, it was hard for anyone to believe him given his mental state. It all came together surprisingly well to have a finale with a neatly tied bow.

We’re Trained To Expect The Absurd

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap and Review
I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 8: Recap and Review

If this were a normal television show then the finale probably wouldn’t work simply because it was so crazy it would be hard to fathom. Fortunately, the entire show from beginning to end has just been one absurd development after another. The audience has been trained in order to expect a heightened sense of reality from this show, so when Allison eventually sided with Margo, the very person who stabbed her, it was certainly shocking, but it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.

Allison enjoyed her life as Lennon. She didn’t want to be herself anymore. So she was willing to risk forming a relationship with a psychopath in order to be happy. It’s kind of a weird thing to think about, but that’s just what this show does. It takes weirdness to a whole other level, and it was very entertaining along the way.

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