I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review

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What’s I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7 about? Who gets murdered in this episode?
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This is a recap and review of I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: ‘If Only Dogs Could Talk.’

Viewer beware – spoilers below!

Unavoidable Tropes of I Know What You Did Last Summer

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review
I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review

There are some tried and true slasher movie tropes that are just unavoidable. One of which is the calm before the storm. Many times the protagonists will feel as if the threat has passed. It usually means that somebody they think was the killer is now dead. In reality, the killer is still out there and waiting to make his or her final move. This calm usually come right before the climax. However, in terms of the pacing for a TV show, it might come about halfway through the second to last episode. I Know What You Did Last Summer’s calm was right on schedule as it literally took place halfway through episode seven.

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review
I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review

The first half of episode seven largely dealt with the fallout from last week’s episode. After Clara brought Riley’s body to the cave, she seemed to set it up like a work of art, which was later found by the sheriff. A surprise twist occurred when Clara’s body was also discovered at the scene, seemingly having been suffocated with honey. Dylan was there too, but he’s not considered a suspect by his friends. They are just happy that he is alive.

Since Clara was considered the killer and she’s now dead, the town believes that the threat has passed. At this point the show jumps to three weeks later, where the remaining survivors of the group appear to be happy. Margot has returned from a mental health rehab facility just in time for a carnival. She has to leave early because her mom is still worried about her, and after a night of partying, Allison and Dylan sleep together for the first time. Unfortunately, he still thinks she’s Lennon. Allison reveals the truth to him afterwards, but Dylan doesn’t handle it well. The episode ends with Dylan going to the police and Allison finding comfort with Margot.

All The Surprises Are Settled…Almost

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review
I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1, Episode 7: Recap and Review

From a slasher standpoint, this episode was fairly uneventful. The first half dealt with the ramifications from last episode, and the second half was mainly set up for the finale. After a season that’s been filled to the brim with mysteries, drama, and twists, there’s actually not many unanswered questions left. The show has done a decent job tying up loose plot threads one by one. The only question that really remains, and the biggest one of all, is who the killer is.

Wishing For A Slasher Filled Finale

There are two developments in this episode that will play big factors in the finale. The first is the fact that Margot was attacked, indicating that the killer is still out there. It also leads the viewer to believe that this is a straight up revenge plot for what happened last summer. The other is that Allison and Lennon’s mother returned. This seems a bit out of character for the woman, who up until this point wanted absolutely zero to do with the family.

So it seems odd that she would care if one of them were dead. However, her presence is definitely necessary in order to inject more drama into the final episode. All in all, episode seven did its job to transition towards a climax. However, after drama has taken up the bulk of this season and the horror has taken a back seat, hopefully the finale will deliver on some much-needed slasher action.

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