Elon Musk to be drawn into Every New Kickstarter Comics Project, Twitter terms of service says

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After a string of firings and mass exoduses from the recently acquired social media giant, Twitter shocked the Kickstarter world with today’s announcement.

Twitter’s own @Twitter account tweeted out earlier today:

“In a bid to align our services more closely with the demographics using our platform, we would like to announce an upcoming change to our terms of service.”

The Twitter account sub-tweeted itself a few times elaborating on the recent positive changes in creating an unbiased vessel of free speech. Not to mention the ham-fisted self stylised ‘pat on the back’ for granting re-entry to the Twitter mainframe for a certain POTUS.

With the amendment to clause 56b raising a few eyebrows by Twitter accounts linked to supposed Kickstarter and Crowdfundr accounts:

“Pursuant to Clause 56a, all Twitter accounts found to be ‘promoting’ Crowdfunding campaigns via the websites known as Kickstarter, Crowdfundr or Indiegogo are to draw Elon Musk into no less than 1 full page of all future projects. Failure to provide proof of complying to clause 56b is grounds for an immediate termination of all associated Twitter accounts.”

Elon Musk to be drawn into Every New Kickstarter Comics Project, Twitter terms of service says

This announcement soon followed with several thousand Twitter users leaving the platform for the social media upstart, Mastodon.

Remarkably, Twitter accounts linked to Indiegogo projects have praised the move. With one project going so far as to reveal a Transformers knockoff featuring Teslas.

More on this soon.

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