COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: The Curse of Cleaver County (Source Point Press)

curse of cleaver county

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In a world of Comics Beat, The Comics Journal, CBR, and all that other riff raff – there seems very little coverage for the working man’s comic book review. The layman and the low brow has long been left by the wayside as academics try to elevate modern silly books to a status of class and superiority. None of which you’ll ever find here – welcome to Comics Reviewed Badly.

The Curse of Cleaver County #1 – Source Point Press

The Curse of Cleaver County #1 - Source Point Press
The Curse of Cleaver County #1 – Source Point Press – Main Cover Art

Published by Source Point Press, The Curse of Cleaver County starts like all good campfire stories. Because that’s what you’ll get here. The goddamn campfire story trope where the killer jumps on his victim right at the end.

Split into two stories, the first being a written assault on alliteration with the title “The Hooked Horror of Harlow.” Telling the story of a vengeful boogie man which is basically I Know What You Did Last Summer mixed with Jason Vorhees with the exception that those franchises knew what they were doing. Not to mention the boogieman in question looks like Batman’s Clayface if Clayface was doomed to be eternally constipated.

This story here is too short, the art takes on a midnight tinge which makes it harder to read and there’s no rhyme or reason why the Hooked Horror attacks the happy couple in the first instance. Other than he might be a sailor? Because apparently the Hooked Horror hates sailors as sailors killed him earlier in the comic. The usual short story problems you come to expect from stand alone single issue anthologies are present.

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The Curse of Cleaver County #1 - Source Point Press - Page whatever
The Curse of Cleaver County #1 – Source Point Press – Page whatever
The Curse of Cleaver County #1 - Source Point Press
The Curse of Cleaver County #1 – Source Point Press – Page whatever

The second story, “The Demonic Debut of the Dyerville Devil” is for you fans of The VVitch as this story wastes little time into establishing a group of campers who are quickly set upon by a demonic cultist. One who spends more time talking to birds than should be allowed in modern day society. Should’ve fed this crow some seed and maybe there wouldn’t have been a need to kill any of those innocent campers.

But of course, no one is innocent in The Curse of Cleaver Country.

insert evil laugh here

The artwork is more bearable here but only just so. As the red versus black clusterfuckery plays out as the scenes switch from the campers to the cultist and back again. Still, it helps the mood, so that’s a glass half full moment. Don’t say I never give back to you.

Verdict: My tax return is scarier than this comic book.

The Curse of Cleaver County #1 - Source Point Press
The Curse of Cleaver County #1 – Source Point Press – Page whatever
The Curse of Cleaver County #1 - Source Point Press
The Curse of Cleaver County #1 – Source Point Press – Page whatever

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