COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: Vinyl #1 (Image Comics)

vinyl #1 comics reviewed badly

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In a world of Comics Beat, The Comics Journal, CBR, and all that other riff raff – there seems very little coverage for the working man’s comic book review. The layman and the low brow has long been left by the wayside as academics try to elevate modern silly books to a status of class and superiority. None of which you’ll ever find here – welcome to Comics Reviewed Badly.

A review series where creators names will be spelt wrong, publishers will be referenced as the devil and a final humorous verdict will be left. And no I’m not sorry.


Vinyl #1 – Image Comics

Vinyl Image Comics Main Cover

Published by Imarrrrrrge Comics, Vinyl #1 takes us deep into a world of bizarre brutality, a cult (because America) and a teddy mask wearing serial killer.

Writer Dorg Winer fucks your expectations into submission with a comic book that looks like it should be fun. And it is – in a bizarre furry sort of way.

Kicking off with a scene from almost every slasher ever we’re soon followed up by Detective (worst name ever) Dennis who is meeting up with serial killer Walter to exchange a vinyl. The same vinyl that supposedly got blood and guts on it in the cold open.

Vinyl #1 - Image Comics - Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 – Image Comics – Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 - Image Comics - Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 – Image Comics – Page Whatever

Before Walter and Dennis can get stuck into their High Tea from Hell, cult leader Madeline turns up with her entourage to make Dennis an offer he can’t refuse and so leaves with crazy cult lady extraordinaire. With his pal gone, serial killer Walter (who sports the world’s best “I just had a lobotomy” face) follows the cult members to their convent and asks to get Dennis back.

With a flat out refusal passing through Madeline’s lips, Walter starts a plan in motion to kill the Cult’s guards one by one in his teddy mask. Beginning the most bizarre entry into the annals of the home invasion sub-genre that Horror has ever had.

Artist Daniel Heelyard’s expressions on his characters faces are absolutely hilarious. Almost like LSD and WTF had the loudest orgasm known to man and the result is an all new expression never before seen in comics. Daniel Heelyard is a man who we better hope to never upset as the slightest tip in his mental health would see him slitting the throat of his neighbours to the tune of “somewhere over the rainbow.”

Verdict: I don’t know what these crazy fucks have created but this is it.

Vinyl #1 - Image Comics - Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 – Image Comics – Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 - Image Comics - Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 – Image Comics – Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 - Image Comics - Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 – Image Comics – Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 - Image Comics - Page Whatever
Vinyl #1 – Image Comics – Page Whatever

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