COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: Berserker Monk #1 (Indie Comic)

Berserker Monk 1 Featured Image

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In a world of Comics Beat, The Comics Journal, CBR, and all that other riff raff – there seems very little coverage for the working man’s comic book review. The layman and the low brow has long been left by the wayside as academics try to elevate modern silly books to a status of class and superiority. None of which you’ll ever find here – welcome to Comics Reviewed Badly.

A review series where creators names will be spelt wrong, publishers will be referenced as the devil and a final humorous verdict will be left. And no I’m not sorry.


Berserker Monk #1 – Indie Comic

Berserker Monk #1 Front Cover

Self published by indie creators, Josh Dumpson, Island Borg and Some Other Guy with the Number 25 in his name, Bersekerer Monk #1 is one of those judge a comic book by its cover scenarios. Aptly named, this comic is about a monk and the monk goes berserk.

Are you still with me?

Rather than just go full violent rage, the tale of Mr Berserk Monk is told in reverse at the typical house where all good business meetings are usually held: the Pub. There a bunch of sailors and travellers exchange a tale about the Berserker Monk which starts with a bunch of lopsided pirates raping and pillaging. Although, shit takes a suitably gnarly turn when one of the pirate’s salt hexes (yes that’s a thing) is disrupted and causing the melting off of various pirate’s faces.

Berserker Monk #1 - Page whatever
Berserker Monk #1 – Page whatever
Berserker Monk #1 - Page whatever
Berserker Monk #1 – Page whatever

Think of that moment in Predator where the Predator blasts his laser through the guts of his prey and you’ve pretty much mapped out this scene. Only it’s shamans, pirates and magic burying itself in the guts of a young boy who will eventually become Berserker Monk. In any case, that’s only one of the many possible origin stories.

If you’re confused by now then don’t worry as this comic book is one giant cluster fuck of chinese whispers as, back at the pub, the sailors and cretins continue exchanging stories about their version of the Berserker Monk origin story which goes from bad to worse to completely batshit crazy. But don’t worry – if you’re after that injection of adolescent guts and gore then this indie comic book certainly delivers.

Verdict: I still don’t know what the fuck I just read.

Berserker Monk #1 - Page whatever
Berserker Monk #1 – Page whatever
Berserker Monk #1 – Page whatever

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