COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: Bro-D Can’t Be Broken (Band of Bards)

bro-d cant be broken

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In a world of Comics Beat, The Comics Journal, CBR, and all that other riff raff – there seems very little coverage for the working man’s comic book review. The layman and the low brow has long been left by the wayside as academics try to elevate modern silly books to a status of class and superiority. None of which you’ll ever find here – welcome to Comics Reviewed Badly.

Bro-D Can’t Be Broken – Band of Bards

Bro-D Can't Be Broken

Published by Band of Barfs, Bro-D Can’t Be Broken is a graphic novella transporting just before the turn of the 22nd Century. Where the world is ultra polluted. No surprises there. There’s mass panic. No surprises there. There’s a one world government design to help escalating tensions. Okay sort of surprised there. And a cult of Demi-Gods have risen up to destroy what’s left.

*cue vinyl turntable skip sound*

Bro-D Can’t Be Broken spends its 60 odd pages being a (sort of) Akira knock off if the characters in Akira looked and read like the characters in Ben 10. Not a bad thing necessarily but it certainly reveals the tone for a bleedingly obvious indie comic release.

RELATED: COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: The Curse of Cleaver County (Source Point Press)

Bro-D Can't Be Broken - Band of Bards - Page whatever
Bro-D Can’t Be Broken – Band of Bards – Page whatever
Bro-D Can't Be Broken - Band of Bards - Page whatever
Bro-D Can’t Be Broken – Band of Bards – Page whatever

Created in full by Ben Humeniuk – and by in full I mean the illustration, the coloring, the ink, the lettering. The whole goddamn enchilada.

Ben has managed to create a graphic novella with a lot of heart. A lot of sacrifice. A lot of turmoil. A lot of ridiculousness. Although, with the target audience seeming firmly set on that Young Adult crowd (fucking Gen-Zer) , I still can’t help but feel that the art isn’t my thing. It could’ve been bloodier.

It lacked that certain spunk that could’ve made this a standout hit. While I appreciate the need and want to finish everything “in house” you’ve got to wonder what the end product would’ve been like had Ben diversified the roles a little.

The story is fucking bonkers, it’s got style but it spends too much time embedded in the overall socialistic message. You be the judge on whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

While it’s close, at least it’s not another trivial pursuit of indie superhero storytelling.

Verdict: It screams ‘FUCK CAPITALISM.’

Bro-D Can't Be Broken - Band of Bards - Page whatever
Bro-D Can’t Be Broken – Band of Bards – Page whatever
Bro-D Can't Be Broken - Band of Bards - Page whatever
Bro-D Can’t Be Broken – Band of Bards – Page whatever

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