53 Star Trek Trivia Questions (With Answers)

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Star Trek Trivia – Questions and Answers

Star Trek is a massive franchise that has spawned multiple shows, over 30 seasons and more than 10 films. Yet, without the first show, “Star Trek: The Original Series”, this massive franchise wouldn’t be where it is today. Starring Captain Kirk, Bones and Spock, the original series took us on many fun, exciting, dangerous and campy adventures.

Because of the history of Star Trek there are oodles of Trivia questions and answers just begging to be answered. In this list we take you through a massive list of Star Trek Trivia questions and answers.

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Captain Kirk - played by William Shatner
Captain Kirk – played by William Shatner

What does the “T” in Star Trek captain James T Kirk’s name stand for?

Answer: Tiberius.

Who portrayed Captain Kirk in the original series?

Answer: Captain Kirk was played by William Shatner.

Which alien species is Spock?

Answer: Spock is Half-Vulcan, Half-Human.

Spock - played by Leonard Nimoy
Spock – played by Leonard Nimoy

Who portrayed Spock in the original series?

Answer: Spock was played by Leonard Nimoy.

After the pilot aired, the studio told creator Gene Roddenberry to get rid of the guy with the ears, Mr. Spock. True or False?

Answer: True. Roddenberry wanted an alien presence on the bridge and had to fight to keep the character on Star Trek.

What color blood do Vulcans have?

Answer: Green.

When did the pilot episode first air on TV?

Answer: Despite being a show that first aired on small screens in the 1960s, the pilot was not aired on TV until 1988, when it was used as a filler episode for Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) due to a writers strike.

Doctor McCoy aka Bones - played by Deforest Kelly
Doctor McCoy aka Bones – played by Deforest Kelly

Who portrayed Doctor McCoy in the original series?

Answer: Deforest Kelly.

Which characters did Gene Roddenberry’s wife, Majel Barrett, play in Star Trek?

Answer: Majel Barrett played the character of “Number 1” in the TV Pilot, the first officer to Captain Christopher Pike. However, she did return when the main series was greenlit as the character “Nurse Christine Chappel.” She would then go on to play “Lwaxana Troi”, the overbearing diplomat and mother to Deanna Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. She was also the computer voice in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Ironically, in the Original Pilot the character “Vina” insults Majel Barrett’s by referring to her as a robot.

If someone asks to be “beamed up”, which equipment will be used for this?

Answer: The Transporter.

Was Hollywood actor Lloyd Bridges ever in Star Trek?

Answer: Lloyd Bridges was approached to play the role of Christopher Pike. However, he refused saying that he didn’t feel like playing a Captain in a series about space.

Who was the First Captain of the Enterprise – Captain Pike or Captain Kirk?

Answer: Although, Captain Kirk is most widely renowned as the first starship captain, it is in fact Captain Pike who was the first Captain. As the events in the TV pilot, “The Cage,” occur at least 13 years prior to the events in the second episode, “The Man Trap,” starring Captain Kirk and the rest of his crew.

How many characters live and work on the Enterprise?

Answer: Although, Captain Pike mentions there’s a crew complement of 203 lives besides his own in the pilot episode, this is later expanded upon as the Star Trek tv show progresses. As this was later changed to 428 crewmen in the “Charlie X” episode and then to 430 in many other episodes which followed.

Which episode does the 21st century earth vessel first appear?

Answer: Space Seed.

Which was the first filmed Star Trek scene?

Answer: The first filmed scene was in the Pilot episode (makes sense) and was a sequence with Dr. Boyce and Captain Pike sharing a martini. This was filmed on Friday, 27th November 1964.

Scotty - played by James Doohan
Scotty – played by James Doohan

Who portrayed Scotty in the original series?

Answer: James Doohan.

How did Star Trek actor James Doohan lose his middle finger?

Answer: He lost his middle finger at D-Day during World War II.

Which warring and Vulcan-like people is the Federation separated from by a neutral zone?

Answer: The Romulans.

What was Doctor McCoy’s handheld medical scanners made out of?

Answer: Dr. McCoy’s handheld “medical scanners” were actually modified salt and pepper shakers, purchased originally for use in “The Man Trap”, in which a character was seen using a salt shaker. They were of Scandinavian design, and on screen were not recognizable as salt shakers; so a few generic salt shakers were borrowed from the studio commissary, and the futuristic looking shakers became McCoy’s medical instruments.

What did they do with the first model of the Starship Enterprise?

Answer: The model used in Star Trek of the USS Enterprise now resides in the Air and Space Museum in Washington DC.

he's dead jim - star trek meme

Which episode did the famous line “He’s dead, Jim” first originate from?

Answer: The first episode where McCoy says, “He’s dead, Jim” is from “The Man Trap.” However, as TV shows rarely create and produce their episodes in order, the first produced episode where this line appears is “The Enemy Within.”

How many moons does the Planet Vulcan have?

Answer: In a conversation with Uhura, Spock reveals that Vulcan has no moon, in the Star Trek episode “The Man Trap.”

What year does Star Trek take place in?

Answer: Star Trek: The Original Series takes place in 2265 and supposedly runs until 2270, although, the show was cancelled after 3 seasons. With the animated show finishing off the last two years of James Kirk’s famous 5 year mission.

Does Gene Roddenberry ever appear in Star Trek?

Answer: In the episode “Charlie X”, there’s a voice of the galley chief who says to Kirk, “Sir, I put meat loaf in the ovens. There’s turkeys in there now… real turkeys!” This was Gene Roddenberry’s only speaking role in Star Trek. Then in the second season, Roddenberry’s disembodied hand appears in a few scenes of “Who Mourns for Adonais?”

Does Captain Kirk have sideburns?

Answer: Captain Kirk has sideburns throughout the entire series. With the exception of the episode, “Where No Man Has Gone Before.”

The episode “Mirror, Mirror” has certain members of the crew switch places with their counterparts in an alternate, or mirror, universe. Which of these characters did not switch places?

Answer: Spock.

What is Sulu’s qualification in this Star Trek series?

Answer: Sulu is introduced as a Physicist in the episode “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” However, he is introduced as a Helmsman in every other episode he appears in.

How much did each episode of Star Trek: The Original Series cost to make?

Answer: While it’s not known exactly how much every episode cost to make, “Where No Man Has Gone Before” cost $300,000 USD to make.

When did the Vulcan ‘nerve pinch’ first appear?

Answer: The original script of Star Trek episode “The Enemy Within” called for Spock to karate chop Kirk to subdue him in one of their scenes. However, Leonard Nimoy felt that this would be an uncharacteristically violent act for a peace-loving species like the Vulcans so he came up with a pincer-like grasp on the neck that has since become known as the Vulcan Nerve Pinch – one of the character’s most famous gimmicks.

Does Captain Kirk have any siblings?

Answer: Yes, he has a brother whose name is George Samuel Kirk.

Transporter in action - during mid transport
Transporter in action – during mid transport

Can a transporter penetrate a force field in Star Trek?

Answer: No. This is first established in “Dagger of the Mind.”

Did Lurch from The Addams Family appear in Star Trek?

Answer: Ted Cassidy, who played Lurch in The Addams Family, appeared twice in Star Trek. Once as the android Ruk in “What Are Little Girls Made Of” and once as the voice of Big Balok in “The Corbomite Manoeuvre.”

Who portrayed Kodos the Executioner in Star Trek episode “Conscience of the King?”

Answer: Kodos was played by Shakespearean trained character actor Arnold Moss.

Who portrayed the Romulan Commander in Star Trek episode “Balance of Terror?”

Answer: The Romulan Commander was played by Mark Lenard, who would eventually go on to portray Spock’s father (Sarek).

When does a cloaking device first appear in Star Trek?

Answer: The first cloaking device shown in Star Trek belongs to the Romulan ship which tries to destroy the Enterprise in “Balance of Terror.”

Lieutenant Nyota Uhura - played by Nichelle Nichols
Lieutenant Nyota Uhura – played by Nichelle Nichols

Who portrayed Lieutenant Nyota Uhura?

Answer: Lieutenant Uhura was played by Nichelle Nichols.

Who portrayed Trelane in Star Trek episode “The Squire of Gothos?”

Answer: Trelane was portrayed by actor William Campbell.

Which episode does the Gorn first appear?

Answer: The Gorn first appear in Star Trek episode “Arena”, in which a Gorn commander and Captain Kirk are forced to fight to the death.

Does Majel Barrett ever voice the Enterprise computer?

Answer: Although, she’s famously known for voicing the Enterprise-D computer in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Majel Barrett performed (uncredited) as the voice of the computer in the episode “Tomorrow Is Yesterday.”

Who portrayed Landru in Star Trek episode “The Return of the Archons?”

Answer: The voice of Landru was performed by actor Charles Macaulay.

Sulu - played by George Takei
Sulu – played by George Takei

Who portrayed Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu?

Answer: Lieutenant Sulu was portrayed by George Takei.

Which episode does Khan Noonien Singh first appear in?

Answer: Khan Noonien Singh first appears in Star Trek episode “Space Seed” in which him and his crew are found alive and in suspended animation aboard the 20th Centure space vessel, Botany Bay. Khan Noonien Singh was portrayed by actor Ricardo Montalban. He would later go on to reprise his role in the film, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Was the first interracial kiss on Star Trek?

Answer: Yes, it was between Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura. It was the first interracial kiss ever seen on TV and at the time was quite controversial.

Captain Kirk and Commander Spock in "A Taste of Armageddon"
Captain Kirk and Commander Spock in “A Taste of Armageddon”

Were any Star Trek episodes based on any war stories?

Answer: Yes, in the episode “A Taste of Armageddon” Scotty refuses to lower the shields against orders. This is based on an actual story from James Doohan’s military service. As a lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Artillery, he was threatened with court martial for real for saying “No sir, I will not,” to a visiting colonel when he realized a training exercise order would entail blowing the heads off some of his own men. Fortunately, his immediate superiors backed him up and, like his fictional character, he was eventually promoted to captain.

In which century does Star Trek: The Original Series take place?

Answer: The 23rd Century.

What is the registry number of the Starship Enterprise in the original series?

Answer: NCC-1701.

What is Chekov’s full name?

Answer: Pavel Andreievich Chekov

Pavel Chekov - played by Walter Koenig
Pavel Chekov – played by Walter Koenig

In “The Trouble With Tribbles”, Chekov claimed that quadrotriticale was a Russian invention. But from what country could that grain actually be traced?

Answer: Canada.

Which popular Star Trek cast member was originally approached to play the role of Spock?

Answer: Deforest Kelly

In which episode of the original series do the Klingons first appear?

Answer: Despite being the main antagonists of Captain Kirk’s career, the Klingons don’t first appear until the 26th episode of Season 1, entitled “Errand of Mercy.” They then also appear three more times in the episodes, “The Trouble with Tribbles,” “Day of the Dove” and “The Savage Curtain.”

Who portrayed the first Klingon?

Answer: Victor Lundin.

What color blood do Klingons have?

Answer: Purple.

What’s the name of the Starship Enterprise’s shuttle?

Answer: While the Enterprise has many shuttles as part of its complement, the main shuttle that’s used throughout the series and specifically featured in episode “The Galileo Seven” was the Galileo.

What’s your favourite piece of Star Trek trivia?

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