105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes to keep you on Edge

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes

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Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes

Everyone who’s Millennial, Gen X or Boomer remembers that weird AF show from the 90s. You know the one. With the FBI detective, demons from another dimension, a girl wrapped in plastic and the log lady, right?

Back in the day, Twin Peaks debuted on ABC in the year 1990 and took audiences by the throat as it pushed the needle on bizarre and creepy happenings in middle American suburbia. Kicking off with the murder of Laura Palmer, Twin Peaks soon gets a visit from FBI agent Dale Cooper and pretty soon a standard murder investigation unravels a whole sea of mystery and conspiracy.

To celebrate the strangeness of Twin Peaks, we’ve picked our all time favourite quotes. And if you really want to get a bit crazy, here’s a drinking game for you: Every time Dale Cooper says “Dianne” – DRINK!

RELATED: Top 10 ’30 Morbid Minutes’ Podcast Episodes

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: FBI agent Dale Cooper
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: FBI agent Dale Cooper

1. “Diane, I’m holding in my hands a small box of chocolate bunnies.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

2. “Diane, 11:30 a.m., February Twenty-fourth. Entering the town of Twin Peaks, five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. I’ve never seen so many trees in my life. As W. C. Fields would say, I’d rather be here than Philadelphia. Fifty-four degrees on a slightly overcast day. Weatherman said rain. If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong sixty percent of the time, it’d beat working. Mileage is seventy-nine thousand three hundred forty-five, gauge is on reserve, riding on fumes here, I’ve got to tank up when I get into town. Remind me to tell you how much that is. Lunch was, uh, six dollars and thirty-one cents at the Lamplighter Inn, that’s on Highway Two near Lewis Fork. That was a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, slice of cherry pie, and a cup of coffee. Damn good food. Diane, if you ever get up this way that cherry pie is worth a stop. Okay. Looks like I’ll be meeting up with the, ah, Sheriff Harry S. Truman. Shouldn’t be too hard to remember that. He’ll be at the Calhoun Memorial Hospital. I guess we’re going to go up to intensive care and take a look at that girl that crawled down the railroad tracks off the mountain. When I finish there I’ll be checking into a motel. I’m sure the sheriff will be able to recommend a clean place, reasonably priced. That’s what I need, a clean place, reasonably priced.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

3. “Gentlemen. When two separate evens occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object in inquiry we must always pay strict attention.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

4. “Welcome to Twin Peaks. My name is Margaret Lanterman. I live in Twin Peaks. I am known as the Log Lady. There is a story behind that. There are many stories in Twin Peaks – some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are stories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery – the mystery of life. Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the woods. The woods surrounding Twin Peaks. To introduce this story, let me just say it encompasses the all – it is beyond the “fire”, though few would know that meaning. It is a story of many, but begins with one – and I knew her. The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one.” – The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

5. “They found my friend Laura… lying facedown on a rocky beach… completely naked. She’d been murdered.” – Audrey Horne (Twin Peaks)

6. “Oh Diane, I almost forgot. Got to find out what kind of trees these are. They’re really something.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

7. “You think because I wasn’t at football practice that I killed my girlfriend?” – Bobby Briggs (Twin Peaks)

8. “Diane, it’s 4:10 in the afternoon at the scene of the crime. Here’s something we haven’t seen before: a mount of dirt. Approximately a foot and a half in diameter. On the top is a gold necklace with a gold heart. Correction, half a gold heart. At the base of the mount of dirt is a torn piece of news print. Written with the words, which appear to be in blood: ‘fire walk with me’.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

9. “Fellas, don’t drink that coffee! You’re not gonna believe this, there was a fish in the percolator!” – Pete Martell (Twin Peaks)

10. “She’s dead. Wrapped in plastic.” – Pete Martell (Twin Peaks)

11. “Harry, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it; don’t wait for it; just let it happen. It could be a new shirt in a men’s store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot, black, coffee.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Audrey Horne
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Audrey Horne

12. “We have solid information that the Packard Sawmill is going to go belly-up within a year. We’re going to be able to get it for a song. One verse, no chorus.” – Benjamin Horne (Twin Peaks)

13. “There’s over ten thousand dollars here. That’s a lot of Girl Scout cookies.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

14. “Listen, the Tacoma Sperm Bank was looking for donors. Naturally, I applied because it was my civic duty… and I like whales. A routine physical revealed that I was sterile. Sure I thought that meant that I didnt have to take a bath. But then they told me the truth. Cheryl, I cant have babies. So how are you pregnant?” – Deputy Andy Brennan (Twin Peaks)

15. “In the darkness of futures past the magician longs to see One chance heart between two worlds Fire walk with me.” – One-Armed Man (Twin Peaks) 

16. “I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

17. “I still can’t get the taste of fish-filtered coffee out of my mouth.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

18. “You know, this is – excuse me – a damn fine cup of coffee. I’ve had I can’t tell you how many cups of coffee in my life and this, this is one of the best. Now I’d like two eggs over hard. I know, don’t tell me, it’s hard on the arteries, but old habits die hard, just about as hard as I want those eggs.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

19. “Mom, it’s so strange. I know I should be sad, and I am, part of me is. But it’s like… it’s like I’m having the most beautiful dream… and the most terrible nightmare, all at once.” – Donna Hayward (Twin Peaks)

20. “I carry a log – yes. Is it funny to you? It is not to me. Behind all things are reasons. Reasons can even explain the absurd. Do we have the time to learn the reasons behind the human being’s varied behavior? I think not. Some take the time. Are they called detectives? Watch – and see what life teaches.” – The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

21. “Diane, it struck me again earlier this morning, there are two things that continue to trouble me. And I’m speaking now not only as an agent of the Bureau but also as a human being. What really went on between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys and who really pulled the trigger on JFK?” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

22. “Diane, never drink coffee that has been anywhere near a fish.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Laura Palmer
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Laura Palmer

23. “Oh, fellas, one more thing. Pray for the health and safety of James Hurley, because if anything happens to him, I’m coming for you.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

24. “If you ever pull another stunt like that, you are going to be scrubbing bidets in a Bulgarian convent.” – Benjamin Horne (Twin Peaks)

25. “Too bad we can only kill him once.” – Bobby Briggs (Twin Peaks)

26. “I’ve got good news. That gum you like is going to come back in style.” – The Man from Another Place (Twin Peaks)

27. “Through the darkness of futures past/ the magician longs to see / One chants out between two worlds / Fire Walk With Me.” – The One-Armed Man (Twin Peaks)

28. “She’s filled with secrets. Where we’re from, the birds sing a pretty song and there’s always music in the air.” – The Man from Another Place (Twin Peaks)

29. “There is a sadness in this world, for we are ignorant of many things. Yes, we are ignorant of many beautiful things – things like the truth. So sadness, in our ignorance, is very real. The tears are real. What is this thing called a tear? There are even tiny ducts – tear ducts – to produce these tears should the sadness occur. Then the day when the sadness comes – then we ask: ‘Will this sadness which makes me cry – will this sadness that makes my heart cry out – will it ever end?’ The answer, of course, is yes. One day the sadness will end.” – The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

30. “I love this music. Isn’t it too dreamy?” – Audrey Horne (Twin Peaks)

31. “What the hell kind of two-bit operation they running out of this treehouse, Cooper?” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

32. “I have seen some slip-shod backwater burgs, but this place takes the cake.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

33. “There’s a sort of evil out there. Something very, very strange in these old woods. Call it what you want. A darkness, a presence. It takes many forms but… its been out there for as long as anyone can remember and we’ve always been here to fight it.” – Sheriff Harry S. Truman (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Leland Palmer
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Leland Palmer

34. “We have to dance for Laura!” – Leland Palmer (Twin Peaks)

35. “Nothing beats the taste sensation when maple syrup collides with ham.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

36. “Head’s up, tails up, run you scallywags. Night falls, morning calls, I’ll catch you with my death bag. You may think I’ve gone insane, but I promise, I will kill again!” – Killer Bob (Twin Peaks)

37. “If I EVER catch you doing something like this again, you’re going to wind up scrubbing bidets in a Bulgarian convent!” – Ben Horne (Twin Peaks)

38. “You punks owe me ten grand! Leo needs a new pair of shoes!” – Leo Johnson (Twin Peaks)

39. “Oh yeah, well I’ve had about enough of morons and half wits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells… and you, you chowder-head yokel, you blithering hayseed. You’ve had enough of me?” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

40. “This must be where pies go when they die.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

41. “Mr. Horne, I realize that your position in this fair community pretty well guarantees venality, insincerity, and a rather irritating method of expressing yourself. Stupidity, however, is not necessarily a inherent trait, therefore, please listen closely. You can have a funeral any old time. You dig a hole, you plant a coffin. I, however, cannot perform these tests next year, next month, next week or tomorrow – I must perform them now. I’ve got a lot of cutting and pasting to do, gentlemen, so why don’t you please return to your porch rockers and resume whittling.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

42. “Leo doesn’t talk, he hits. He was so great at first, you know. This flashy guy in his hot car. Then we get married and I find out all he was looking for was a maid he didn’t have to pay. I feel so stupid.” – Shelly Johnson (Twin Peaks)

43. “There’s a sort of evil out there. Something very, very strange in these old woods. Call it what you want. A darkness, a presence. It takes many forms but… its been out there for as long as anyone can remember and we’ve always been here to fight it.” – Sheriff Harry S. Truman (Twin Peaks)

44. “Even the ones who laugh are sometimes caught without an answer: these creatures who introduce themselves but we swear we have met them somewhere before. Yes, look in the mirror. What do you see? Is it a dream, or a nightmare? Are we being introduced against our will? Are they mirrors? I can see the smoke. I can smell the fire. The battle is drawing nigh.” – The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Log Lady
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Log Lady

45. “Laura had secrets and around those secrets she built the fortress that, well that in my six months with her, I was not able to penetrate and for which I consider myself an abject failure.” – Dr. Lawrence Jacoby (Twin Peaks) 

46. “I’m going to give Little Elvis a bath.” – Benjamin Horne (Twin Peaks)

47. “Laura Palmer’s murder was vicious and calculated. There’s no telling what we’ll encounter, bringing a suspect to ground. After Andy’s mishap at the motel, I wanna make absolutely certain each of us is comfortable and confident with our firearms.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

48. “In the grand design women were drawn from a different set of blueprints.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

49. “She said people try to be good but they’re really sick and rotten, her most of all, and every time she tried to make the world a better place, something terrible came up inside her and pulled her back down into hell. Took her deeper and deeper into the blackest nightmare. Every time it got harder to go back up to the light.” – Bobby Briggs (Twin Peaks)

50. “Fire is the Devil hiding like a coward in the smoke.” – The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

51. “Can you hear that? Up until this moment I have experienced nothing at the Great Northern Hotel but the most pleasant and courteous service imaginable. However, it just goes to prove a point that once a traveler leaves his home he loses almost 100% of his ability to control his environment. Diane, I was wondering if you could overnight express me a pair of pillow silicon ear plugs that I wore on my last trip to New York. Naturally, I didn’t bring them with me on this trip because I didn’t think I’d be needing them.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

52. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet there are those who open many eyes. ‘Eyes are the mirror of the soul,’ someone has said. So we look closely at the eyes to see the nature of the soul. Sometimes when we see the eyes – those horrible times when we see the eyes, eyes that… that have no soul – then we know a darkness, then we wonder: where is the beauty? There is none if the eyes are soulless.” – The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

53. “Do as you’re told, Leo! Next time, you’ll watch me take your little chippie apart before I kill you!” – Hank Jennings (Twin Peaks)

54. “As you can hear from the ambience sound around me, and I notice with some relief, that the icelandic group staying on my floor has either checked or passed out.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

55. “Diane… my recorder is on the table. I’m unable to reach it at this time. I can only hope that I inadvertently pressed the voice activation button. I’m lying on the floor of my room. I’ve been shot. There’s a great deal of pain and a fair amount of blood. Fortunately I was wearing my bulletproof vest last night per bureau regulations when working undercover. I remember folding the vest up, trying to chase down a wood tick. If you can imagine the impact on your chest of three bowling balls dropped from a height of about nine feet, you might begin to approximate the sensation. All things considered, being shot is not as bad as I thought it might be, as long as you can keep the fear from your mind. But I guess you could say that about most anything in life. Its not so bad as long as you can keep the fear from your mind.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Andy Brennan
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Andy Brennan

56. “Laura Palmer is dead. Jacques Renault is dead. Ronette Pulaski and Leo Johnson are in comas. Waldo the bird is dead. This leaves only the third man.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

57. “At a time like this, curiously, you begin to think of the things regret or the things you might miss. I would like, in general, to treat people with much more care and respect. I would like to climb a tall hill – not too tall – sit in the cool grass – not too cool – and feel the sun on my face. I wish I could have cracked the Lindbergh kidnapping case. I would very much like to make love to a beautiful woman who I had genuine affection for. And, of course, it goes without saying that I would like to visit Tibet. I wish they could get their country back and the Dalai Lama could return. Oh, I would like that very much. All in all, a very interesting experience.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

58. “Don’t search for all the answers at once. A path is formed by laying one stone at a time. One person saw the third man that night. Three have seen him, yes, but not his body. Only one, known to you, ready now to talk. One more thing, you forgot something.” – The Giant (Twin Peaks)

59. “Hell of a way to kill a tick.” – Dr. Will Hayward (Twin Peaks)

60. “Doc, when the will is invoked, the recuperative powers of the physical body are simply extraordinary.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

61. “A man can only go so long without submitting to a period of rest, for as we know from experiments conducted on American GIs during the Korean War, sleep deprivation is a one-way ticket to temporary psychosis.” – Dale Cooper

62. “Diane, it’s 11:55pm, approximately nineteen hours since the shooting incident which nearly caused me to make a premature purchase of the proverbial farm.” – Dale Cooper

63. “Maybe the sun won’t come up if you wash your hair. Think like that and you’re gonna go crazy. What’s done is done.” – Donna Hayward (Twin Peaks)

64. “You know, Shelly, hospitals are dangerous places. First of all, they’re crawling with sick people. And second of all, that food… can kill you.” – Bobby Briggs (Twin Peaks) 

65. “Listen to me, Lucy Moran, you just listen. When the Tacoma Sperm Bank was looking for donors, naturally I applied. It’s my civic duty and I like whales. A routine physical examination revealed that I’m sterile. Sure I thought it meant that I didn’t have to take a bath, but the doctors told me the truth. They told me I can’t have babies. So what I wanna know now is why are you having one and how?” – Deputy Andy Brennan (Twin Peaks)

66. “My men are interrogating the hotel staff and the guests as we speak. They’re the usual bumper crop of simple-minded, rural no-nothings and drunken fly fishermen. Nothing so far. Oh by the way, I personally found and talked with the waiter who delivered your glass of warm milk from that night. The world’s oldest and most decrepit room service waiter remembers nothing unusual about the night in question. No surprise there. Being 104 years old, Senor Drool cup has, shall we say, a mind that wanders.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Bobby Briggs
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Bobby Briggs

67. “I’ve performed the autopsy on Jacques Renault. Stomach contents revealed… let’s see, beer cans, a Maryland licence plate, half a bicycle tire, a goat, and a small wooden puppet. Goes by the name of Pinocchio.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

68. “I like to think of myself as one of the happy generation.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

69. “As much as I love you, Laura, most of the time we were trying to solve your problems. And you know what? We still are. Not mine or James’ or Maddy’s. Yours. You’re dead Laura, but your problems keep hanging around!” – Donna (Twin Peaks)

70. “Bob… I know you’re near… I’m after you now.” – The One-Armed Man (Twin Peaks)

71. “The letter B, from Ronette’s finger, was cut from a copy of “Flesh World”. Perfect match. This particular edition features swingers’ clubs for standard poodle enthusiasts. No comment.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

72. “Agent Cooper. Let me give you the best advice that you’re gonna get all week. Men fall under the spell of Audrey’s charms like ducks in a shooting gallery.” – Benjamin Horne (Twin Peaks)

73. “All I did was to come to a funeral. And it’s like I fell into a dream. It’s like people think I’m Laura. And I’m not!” – Maddy Ferguson (Twin Peaks)

74. “Laura liked to think of me as… a mystery in her life.” – Harold Smith (Twin Peaks) 

75. “The law provides us structure to guide us through paralyzing and trying times. But it requires us a vision to its procedures and higher purposes. Before we assume our respective roles in this enduring drama just let me say that when these frail shadows we inhabit now have quit the stage we’ll meet and raise a glass again together in Valhalla.” – Judge Clinton Sternwood (Twin Peaks)

76. “There’s things you can’t get anywhere but we dream they can be found in other people.” – Harold Smith (Twin Peaks)

77. “This is from a long time ago, is that okay? I was about thirteen years old, fourteen maybe. Me and Laura put on our tightest, shortest skirts. Too tight, but Laura talked me into it. We’re going to the roadhouse to meet boys. Their names are… Josh, Rick, and Tim. They’re about twenty years old and they’re nice to us… and they make us feel like we’re older. Rick asks if we wanna go party and Laura says “yes”… and all of a sudden I feel this knot tightening up in my stomach. But when Laura gets in the truck I go anyway. There’s a stream in the woods… full moon, I think. It’s pale and light out. Laura starts to dance around the boys. She begins to move her hips back and forth. Rick starts to clap but Tim doesn’t do anything, he just watches. Somehow that makes me angry, so I say “LET’S GO SKINNY DIPPING!”. We take off our clothes. I know the boys are watching. Laura starts to kiss Josh and Rick. I don’t know what to do, so I swim away. I feel like I want to run, but I don’t. Tim swims up to me. He kisses my hand and then me. I can still feel that kiss. His lips are warm and sweet. My heart jumps. He’s talking but I can’t hear him. Only the kiss. I never saw him again. That was the first time I ever fell in love. That’s all.” – Donna Hayward (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Donna Hayward
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Donna Hayward

78. “Good thing you guys can’t keep a secret.” – Deputy Tommy ‘Hawk’ Hill (Twin Peaks)

79. “Are you looking for secrets? Is that what all this was about? Well, maybe I can help you. You want to know that the ultimate secret is? The secret of knowing who killed… YOU!” – Harold Smith (Twin Peaks)

80. “He is Bob, eager for fun. He wears a smile, everybody run. Do you understand the parasite? It attaches itself to a life form and feeds. Bob requires a human host. He feeds on fear and the pleasures. They are his children. I am similar to Bob. We once were partners.” – The One-Armed Man (Twin Peaks)

81. “You know, you are the best lawman I’ve ever seen. But, Coop, sometimes you think too much.” – Harry Truman (Twin Peaks)

82. “Cooper. You remind me today of a small Mexican Chihuahua.” – FBI Regional Bureau Chief Gordon Coke (Twin Peaks)

83. “Doc Hayward said you needed familiar stimulants, so we figured, what the hell, kazoos.” – Bobby Briggs (Twin Peaks)

84. “I thought you were different. You made me feel I could return to the world and find something decent, pure. But you’re just like all the others. You lie. And you betray! And then you laugh about it!” – Harold Smith (Twin Peaks)

85. “When we were growing up, Laura and I were so close. It was scary. I could feel her thoughts, like our brains were connected or something. And when she died suddenly, I got the chance to be Laura. At least other people saw me that way. Like the way that you looked at me. I liked that too.” – Madeleine Ferguson (Twin Peaks)

86. “Why do I sense that this isn’t a negotiable position?” – Ben Horne (Twin Peaks)

87. “You’ve got a problem of a different sort here, Coop. Two and two do not always equal four.” – Gordon Coke (Twin Peaks)

88. “A poem as lovely as a tree: “As the night wind blows, the boughs move to and fro. / The rustling, the magic rustling that brings on the dark dream. / The dream of suffering and pain. / Pain for the victim, pain for the inflictor of pain. / A circle of pain, a circle of suffering. / Woe to the ones who behold the pale horse.” – The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Gordon Cole
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Gordon Cole

89. “Diane, it’s 2:47 p.m. I’m in the conference room at the sheriff’s station with the remains of Laura Palmer’s secret diary. A great deal of it has been mutilated. Much of what I’ve been able to decipher supports the contention of the one-armed man. There are repeated references to a Bob. He was a threatening presence in her life from early adolescence. There are intimations of abuse and molestation on a regular basis. He is referred to, on more than one occasion, as a friend of her father’s.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

90. “Ben, as your attorney, your friend, and your brother, I strongly suggest that you get yourself a better lawyer.” – Jerry Horne (Twin Peaks)

91. “Diane, 10:03am, Great Northern Hotel. Sheriff Truman and I have just been with the one-armed man, or what’s left of him. In another time, another culture, he may have been a seer, a shaman priest. In our world he’s a shoe salesman and lives among the shadows.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

92. “Sperms? That is all men think about. You know, I remember when little Carl was first born, and they laid him out on my breast, and I looked down and saw what kind of a tiny little creature I was dealing with, and I thought to myself, I thought, “my God, just what the world needs – another sperm gun running around loose.” Right? Women beware!” – Gwen Morton (Twin Peaks)

93. “Cooper. In observation, I don’t know where this is headed. But the only one of us with the coordinates for this destination and its hardware is you. Go on whatever vision quest you require. Stand on the rim of a volcano, stand alone and do your dance. Just find this beast before he takes another bite.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

94. “You’re on the path. You don’t need to know where it leads. Just follow.” – Deputy Tommy ‘Hawk’ Hill

“Through the dark of futures past, the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds, *fire* walk with me! I’ll catch you with my death bag. You may think I’ve gone insane, but I promise I will kill again!” – Leland Palmer

95. “Gentlemen, two days ago a young woman was found murdered by the same individual I believe responsible for the death of Laura Palmer. I have reason to believe that the killer is in this room. As a member of the Bureau, I spend most of my time seeking simple answers to difficult questions. In the pursuit of Laura’s killer, I have employed Bureau guidelines, deductive technique, Tibetan method, instinct, and luck. But now I find myself in need of something new, which, for lack of a better word, we shall call… magic.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

96. “Leland’s a babe in the woods, with a large hole where his conscious used to be. When I go children, I will pull that ripcord and you watch Leland remember. Watch him!” – Leland Palmer (Twin Peaks)

97. “The short answer is, this is the work of the same ghoul who killed Laura. More fan mail: the letter ‘O’ under Maddy’s ring fingernail. There were strands of fur clutched in her right hand.” – Albert Rosenfield (Twin Peaks)

98. “Benjamin Horne. You’re a slimy rat bastard, and I intend to make whatever remains of your pathetic existence a living hell.” – Mr. Tojamura (Twin Peaks)

99. “February 22nd. Last night I had the strangest dream. I was in a red room with a small man dressed in red and an old man sitting in a chair. I tried to talk to him. I wanted to tell his who Bob is because I thought he could help me. My words came out slow and odd. It was frustrating trying to talk. I got up and walked to the old man. Then I leaned over and whispered the secret in his ear. Somebody has to stop Bob. Bob’s only afraid of one man, he told me once. A man named Mike. I wonder if this was Mike in my dream. Even if it was only a dream, I hope he heard me. No one in the real world would believe me. February 23rd. Tonight is the night that I die. I know I have to because it’s the only way to keep Bob away from me. The only way to tear him out from inside. I know he wants me, I can feel his fire. But if I die, he can’t hurt me anymore.” – Donna Hayward (Twin Peaks)

105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Shelly Johnson
105 Creepy and Bizarre Twin Peaks Quotes: Shelly Johnson

100. “You know, there’s only one problem with you: you’re perfect.” – Audrey Horne (Twin Peaks)

101. “Major, I’m going to take a moment here. I feel the call of nature. There’s nothing quite like urinating out in the open air.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

102. “My people believe that the White Lodge is a place where the spirits that rule man and nature reside. There is also a legend of a place called the Black Lodge. The shadow self of the White Lodge. Legend says that every spirit must pass through there on the way to perfection. There, you will meet your own shadow self. My people call it The Dweller on the Threshold.” – Deputy Tommy ‘Hawk’ Hill (Twin Peaks)

103. “Men are always alright. Right up until they pull the trigger. And then we watch the neighbors solemnly march out to the news cameras to tell us: ‘He was such a nice, quiet guy.’” – Evelyn Marsh (Twin Peaks)

104. “Let a smile be your umbrella.” – Gordon Cole (Twin Peaks)

105. “I have no defense. I am completely confident that in the rightness of my actions. Some of it occurred outside of Bureau guidelines, and I will pay the price for that. But I am innocent of any criminal wrongdoing. If they wish to charge me, I will defend myself in a court of law.” – Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

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