10 Silver Superheroes and Villains

10 Superheroes and Villains

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Colors play an important role in regards to comic book heroes and villains. Silver, especially, is an important color as it sometimes highlights metal, showing off some of the medium’s most popular steel-related characters. But that doesn’t mean that others can’t rock silver, either.

1. Silver Surfer

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Surfer
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Surfer

Whenever the word “silver” comes to mind in relation to comic characters it’s hard not to say “surfer” right after it. From the moment he appeared in the Fantastic Four, the Silver Surfer was a cool and unique character. What made him even more interesting is his extremely complicated backstory that made him tragic and noble. It also helps that he’s insanely powerful on a cosmic level.

2. Silver Sable

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Sable
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Sable

On the surface, Silver Saple might seem like just another femme fatale spy. However, when digging deeper it’s obvious to see that she is very complicated and complex character. She was first introduced as a bounty hunter, but her character has grown and evolved to being a political agent that is often a force for good. Sometimes that allegiance puts her on the wrong side of heroes, but she always has a moral center that adds to her complexity.

3. Ultron

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Ultron
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Ultron

Ultron is an interesting character not because of what he does but mainly because of who he is. Ultron’s mission is a simple one: destroy humanity. But it’s how he came about and his family history that makes the drama surrounding his stories so much fun. Characters such as Hank Pym, Vision, Jocasta ,and more are in that circle, which never disappoints to entertain.

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4. Dr. Doom

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Dr Doom
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Dr Doom

Doom is one of those characters that needs no introduction, and he’s probably proud of that fact. His look is so iconic that even non-comic fans can recognize him. Many may believe he’s a one-dimensional character that’s interested in domination, but it’s his motivations behind that domination that makes him very interesting. Doom does have a conscience and is often portrayed as a hero. That complexity makes him one of the greatest characters that Marvel has to offer.

5. Cyborg

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Cyborg
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Cyborg

Depending on the version of him you need depicted, Cyborg’s power level varies greatly, however his tragic back story typically remains the same. It’s this tragedy coupled with the power he gains that makes Cyborg an interesting character. He’s been a part of many teams and has undergone many transformations, but the dichotomy between his humanity and his machine side will always be interesting to depict.

6. Colossus

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Colossus
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Colossus

Colossus is a classic X-Men of the new era. A man made out of all metal is always a sight to behold. Colossus’s contrast between strength and kindness is what makes him so interesting. Also, his relationship with Kitty Pryde adds further complexity to his place in the X-Men that makes him a standout of that generation.

7. Silver Samurai

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Samurai
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Samurai

Silver Samurai is a tough character to pin down as he’s primarily a one-dimensional antagonist against Wolverine. The two have some complex history that is always expanded upon every once in awhile. Besides his shallow character, though, his design and weaponry are always the most interesting part of him as they are continually developed with every new appearance.

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8. Steel

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Steel
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Steel

Steel is a character in the Superman pantheon of heroes. He’s primarily known as one of many people who picked up the Superman mantle after the Man of Steel’s death. His design has evolved over the years, but it’s always been very cool to see. It’s especially interesting when he carries his iconic hammer that can pack quite a punch.

9. Silver Banshee

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Banshee
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: Silver Banshee

Silver Banshee is a villain in the DC Universe that has a pretty interesting back story. Her design hasn’t changed all that much throughout the years, but the family-oriented curse that gave her powers is representative of the era of comic writing that she came out of. She has been featured less in recent years, but perhaps it’s time for DC editorial to bring her back into fashion.

10. The Destroyer

10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: The Destroyer
10 Silver Superheroes and Villains: The Destroyer

The Destroyer is more of a weapon than an actual character. He’s an automaton that can be used by Asguardians however they see fit. This primarily means he goes up against Thor whenever Loki gets involved. Still, without a complex character motivation, the Destroyer is still a remarkable figure. He’s tall, imposing, and would make anyone shudder if they had to face him in a fight.

Are any of these Silver Superheroes and Villains your favourite?

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