Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 begins New Story Arc and Zordon Origin Story

mighty morphin power rangers 101

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About Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 Front Cover
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 Front Cover

BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 starts off a new story arc for the Rangers. A story arc that reveals a history and backstory of one of its own but also injects a fresh dose of mystery and intrigue for the intrepid cosmic powered teen adventurers.

If we’re looking at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 from the perspective of a tv show then this issue starts off with a powerful cold open. A cold open which takes us back in time of Earth, 10000 years ago, where Zordon is still a warrior. A warrior who has managed to overpower Rita Repulsa by having her and her goons in chains.

As Zordon of Eltar looks like he has the upper hand and is about to imprison Rita in an impenetrable prison, it appears that it’s all part of an evil scheme to infect Zordon’s body so that it will be forever lost between time and space. Rita Repulsa delivers the final blow as black tendrils erupt from her rotting body to deliver the final blow to Zordon. Delivering to fans the answer to the question: “how did Zordon lose his body and be reduced to only a head?”

Rita Repulsa destroys Zordon's body in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101: Rita Repulsa destroys Zordon’s body in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101

With Zordon screaming out in pain this scream transitions to Zordon waking up from a nightmare in the Power Rangers’ Command Center. Leaving Alpha distraught and worried about Zordon’s ominous prophecy that the war between them and Rita Repulsa will never end. With this in mind, Zordon orders Alpha to begin scanning the moon for their enemies. Enemies which the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are training for at this exact moment.

A training session which follows, showing the Power Rangers in a high intensity workout as they’re training to infiltrate the moon if they need do. With sweaty teens and hormones flying this leads to some obvious sexual chemistry between Green Ranger and Yellow Rangers. Sowing the seeds for some future Ranger romance.

The Power Rangers post-workout cool down session doesn’t last as Zordon summons the Rangers and tells them of a distress signal they’ve received from one of their greatest enemies – Lord Zedd – originating from the moon. Promoting the Rangers to summon their prehistoric zords, combining into Dragonzord, beginning their ascent to the moon.

Zordan and Alpha discuss an upcoming danger
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101: Zordan and Alpha discuss an upcoming danger

Before they can land on the moon and truly assess the situation, as horde of smoke goblins attacks Dragonzord, forcing him to crash land onto the surface of the moon. As they recover themselves from the wreck, the Rangers spot Goldar fleeing a huge horde of the Goblins who the Rangers fight off before Yellow Ranger and Red Ranger zoom (teleport) out of there and closer to the nefarious palace to try and locate Lord Zedd. Instead, they run straight into Finster, who created The Royal Throney. A shark faced leviathan alien monster who slams the ground causing Red and Yellow Ranger to fall to the floor.

Leaving Black Ranger to watch over a freaked out and anxious Goldar, White, Green and Pink Ranger are able to locate Lord Zedd’s signal as emanating below the palace. Once there they are in a dark, dank underground resembling the Dwarf mine in the first Lord of the Rings film. Seeking some illumination, Pink Ranger shoots her arrow through the dark catacombs which lights up a path. A path which reveals one of Lord Zedd’s razor sharp talons. With the camera panning upwards to reveal Rita Repulsa that has stabbed her sceptre deep into the back of Zedd. Bringing Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #101 to an end.

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The Review

Melissa Flores has hit her stride with this MMPR issue. By tackling a history of a fan favourite character whilst also providing a sense of camaraderie between the team of intrepid teens I got a feeling of genuine Rangers lore.

Thanks to the combined talents of illustrator Simona di Gianfelice and colorist Raúl Angolo there’s a cosmic wonder evident on the page. A wonder which is juxtaposed against the young looking and fresh faces of the Power Rangers whilst in human form.

There are some epic moments throughout this comic from Dragonzord flying to the moon to Lord Zedd stabbed right at the end to the epic horde of cement goblin zombies going toe-to-toe with the Rangers.

This comic book issue leaves your 12 year old millennial jaw on the floor. Here’s hoping Melissa Flores is in this for the long haul and not just a short run.

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