About ‘Don’t Spit in the Wind’ #1
It’s been almost two years since I’ve felt myself drawn to any kind of Mad Cave Studios comic. So it probably makes sense that my intrigue be injected with a much needed dose of “wake the f**k up” to jump back into the saddle with the first of many creator owned comics that Mad Cave Studios have slated.
As far as post-apocalyptic storytelling goes, Don’t Spit in the Wind rolls the dice with this brand new take of a world (our world) so literally fucked beyond recognition that the only thing left is a highly polluted earth. An earth that can no longer sustain human life. Which is for the better. We do love to screw things up for ourselves.
RELATED: Mad Cave Studios Preview: ‘Don’t Spit In The Wind’ #1
‘Don’t Spit in the Wind #1’ Review
Stefano Cardoselli and Dan Lee’s polluted bastardisation of the world as we know it brings us up to speed with garbage man Travis who works for a corporation charged with clean up duty. So the majority of this issue spends its narrative banter giving us an artistic tour of Cardoselli’s work which sits somewhere in the hemisphere of your brain that can barely conceive what a combo of Mike Mignola (Hellboy) and Sam Keith’s (The Maxx) styles could be.
The further you get into issue 1 of Don’t Spit in the Wind the more you’ll come to appreciate the spectacle of Cardoselli and Lee’s work. There’s a gruff, imperfect, beauty that reveals more of itself as you turn each page. But as you find the beauty in the toxic post-apocalyptic landscape of Cardoselli’s so you will find an essence of danger as the animal life that can tear apart at the very essence of the enviro-suits that Travis wears presents a clear and nihilistically obvious danger.
The style of this comic book plays out like a bad re-taped cassette filled with the radio mixes your ex gave you once. Only there’s no escaping the feeling of unease or awkwardness here. And like the filth left on you from last night’s break up sex, Don’t Spit in the Wind fills you with moments you’ll never forget.
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