COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: Plush #1 (Image Comics)

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In a world of Comics Beat, The Comics Journal, CBR, and all that other riff raff – there seems very little coverage for the working man’s comic book review. The layman and the low brow has long been left by the wayside as academics try to elevate modern silly books to a status of class and superiority. None of which you’ll ever find here – welcome to Comics Reviewed Badly.

A review series where creators names will be spelt wrong, publishers will be referenced as the devil and a final humorous verdict will be left. And no I’m not sorry.

Plush #1 – Image Comics

COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: Plush #1 (Image Comics)
COMICS REVIEWED BADLY: Plush #1 (Image Comics)

Published by the spawn of Satan aka Image Comics, Plush #1 takes us into a humorously sordid world of cannabalism, furries and cheating fiancés. And yes, you read all of that right.

Set in West Virginia (not sure why that’s relevant at this point), Plush introduces us to Devin, a guy whose reached his tether with finding out that his fiancé is pregnant with the man she’s cheated on Devin with. Distraught and unsure what to do, his best friend Levi suggests letting his hair down and lucky for us that involves the quirky meanderings of a Furry Convention.

After being incidentally roofied by Levi, Devin freaks out like Shia LaBeouf eating his own munted face at a talented actors conference, and busts out into an abandoned alley revealing three crazed furry lunatics playing cannibal holocaust on a dead corpse – but with more comedic gore than you can poke a John Carpenter practical effect at.

Fleeing at the sight of a Jeffrey Dahmer cover song, Levi sprints down the sidewalk only to run straight into an open door of a cop car. Revealing police officer Maerth who is also the guy that’s been playing multiple games of slap the penis on the donkey’s face with Devin’s fiancé. Seriously, the things he’s done to Devin’s fiancé deserves its own “Previously on Brazzers” intro – but then his name is Maerth so at this point the score is 1-1.

Now at the police station in the next scene the sheriff, who happens to be Devin’s fiancées father, tries to talk some sense into him by promising that marrying “Whitney” and raising Maerth’s unborn child will give Devin a butt load of unchecked privileges. With Devin refusing, the sheriff throws Devin in a cell to think it over and leaves the station, ordering his deputies not to lay a finger on Devin. An order they plan to furiously ignore.

With Devin stuck alone in a cell he looks up at the cell window and sees one of the crazed cannibals staring back at him with blood smeared on its face. Except the mask of this one has a mouth that resembles an overused butt hole more than anything else. Which, to Devin, is pure evil incarnate as butt hole mouths are the coming of Satan.

Verdict: Plush represents a whole new level of hilarious depravity by Winer, Heelyard, Rinze and Dikesher. It’s a dark and curiously fucked up world where we’ve stuck our heads so far down the rabbit hole that we‘ve worked our way through and up the ass of Wonderland. A wonderland where it feels like the Queen of Hearts has succeeded because once you finish this comic – you’ll feel “off your head.”


Plush #1 - Image Comics - Page whatever
Plush #1 – Image Comics – Page whatever
Plush #1 - Image Comics - Page whatever
Plush #1 – Image Comics – Page whatever
Plush #1 - Image Comics - Page whatever
Plush #1 – Image Comics – Page whatever
Plush #1 - Image Comics - Page whatever
Plush #1 – Image Comics – Page whatever

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